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- VAPF Group
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- Аmay Properties
- 10 Must-Visit Attractions in Valencia
- 10 real estate projects that will make Madrid a greener and more modern city
- 2022 property market trends and prices in Spain
- 47,349 units sold in Spain in April 2022
- 48,119 housing units sold in Spain in December 2021
- 5 areas in Andalusia to purchase real estate and relocate to
- 5 areas in Costa del Sol to real estate purchase real estate and relocation
- 5 districts in Valencia to buy real estate and relocate to
- 5 Must-See Places to Visit in Spain
- 5 Reasons to Buy an Apartment in Barcelona
- 52,684 housing units sold in Spain in January 2022
- 59,272 residential units sold in Spain in March 2022
- 63,921 real estate units sold in Spain in April 2022
- 8 Factors That Influence the Price of Apartments in Spain
- A city of the future where a pandemic is not frightening
- A City, Suburb, or Countryside in Spain: Where Do Buyers Focus and Why?
- A house by the sea: Where can you buy a house in Spain to escape winter
- A primary or secondary home in Spain?
- Active Leisure in Spain: Water Sports and Entertainment
- Alicante's five districts for buying real estate and relocating
- Alicante: Prospects and Benefits of Investment
- All You Need to Know about Transport in Spain in 2025
- An overview of Costa Calida: What kind of property can i buy in Costa Calida?
- An overview of Costa Daurada. What kind of property can you buy on the Gold Coast?
- An overview of the Costa Blanca region: what kind of real estate can you buy on the coast?
- An overview of the costa del sol region: what kind of property can i buy in costa del sol?
- Analysis of the Spanish Real Estate Market in 2023: Bright and Dark Sides
- Aspects of buying and selling real estate in Spain for the Russians in the face of sanctions
- Attractive properties in Orihuela Costa
- Barcelona: Prospects and Benefits of Investments
- Benidorm: All About the Advantages, Prospects, and Benefits of Investing in Real Estate
- Best property developers in Spain in 2021
- Bright urban development projects: what will surprise the developers of Spain in 2022
- Buying a property under construction or
- Buying a studio apartment in Spain: pros and cons
- Buying Luxury Real Estate in Andalusia: Popular Cities, Property Types, and Prices
- Buying real estate in Spain online
- Calculation: we calculate the optimal threshold for entering the real estate market in Spain
- Canary islands property review: is it advantageous to purchase real estate in the islands
- Catalonia, Andalusia, and Madrid Had the Most New Developments in Spain in 2022
- Catalonia’s 5 districts to buy real estate purchase and relocation
- Choosing a property in Spain after selling a house in your native country: what options does the foreign buyer have?
- Co-living and condominiums: a new trend in the Spanish housing market
- Costa Blanca
- Differences between Madrid’s and Barcelona's Real Estate Markets
- Do foreigners need a visa to enter spain in 2025
- Downshifting in Spain: real estate for peace of mind
- Driving License in Spain: Procedure for Obtaining and Replacement
- Eight out of ten Spaniards think house prices are very high
- Exclusive for the elite: what is the most luxury property in Spain?
- Expenses when buying a property in Spain
- Exploring Malaga: Spain's Most Prestigious Region for Real Estate Investment
- Factors affecting property prices in Spain
- Family reunification in Spain
- Family reunifications in Spain
- Features of Spanish real estate on the first line of the sea
- Five areas of Andorra Sierra de Arcos for real estate purchase and relocation
- Five areas of Marbella for real estate purchase and relocation
- Five Canary island districts to buy real estate in and relocate to
- Five districts of Barcelona for buying real estate and relocating
- Five numbers that will please Spanish property investors
- Five Steps to Check Property in Spain Before Buying
- Foreigners buying homes in Spain breaks records: who are these foreign investors and what are they choosing?
- Guide to Islands of Spain: Where to Buy Real Estate?
- Has COVID-19 affected property choices in Spain?
- Has the construction of new buildings in Spain stopped because of COVID-19?
- Home purchase in 2021: demand will grow and diversify again, but price dynamics will remain unknown
- House by the sea: how much does it cost to live near marinas in Spain?
- Houses up to 55,000 € in the most beautiful places in Spain
- How can a foreigner buy a car in Spain?
- How can a foreigner buy a house in Spain today: Procedure, Difficulties, Life hacks
- How can a foreigner sell their apartment in Spain remotely?
- How do spaniards live and what type of housing do they buy?
- How does one calculate the profitability of real estate in Spain?
- How is it profitable to buy an elite villa in Spain?
- How many years will it take for Spaniards to pay off a home mortgage?
- How much does it cost to build a house in Spain?
- How much does life in Spain cost?
- How Safe is Spain in 2025?
- How Spaniards live: real estate facts that may surprise you
- How the Crises of the Twenty-First Century are Beneficial for Real Estate Investors in Spain
- How the Spaniards live and what kind of housing they buy
- How to arrange an installment plan for real estate in Spain?
- How to become a resident of Spain?
- How to build a house in Spain?
- How to buy a home in Spain for a foreigner
- How to buy property in Spain with a mortgage in 2025?
- How to buy Spanish real estate remotely
- How to choose a reliable Spanish property to invest in
- How to get a digital nomad visa in Spain in 2025?
- How to get a Golden Visa or investor residence permit in Spain?
- How to get a residence permit in Spain in 2025
- How to Get a Residence Permit in Spain with the Right to Work: Step-by-Step Instructions for Emigrants
- How to inspect a property in Spain before buying it
- How to make money on investments in real estate in Spain
- How to make money on the resale of real estate in Spain
- How to organize moving for permanent residence to spain in 2021?
- How to remotely sell an apartment in Spain to a Russian
- How to Rent Out Property in Barcelona in 2025?
- How to stay in Spain for more than 90 days
- I'm relocating to Andalusia. What is essential to know?
- Important points to remember when buying a secondary property from a company or bank in Spain?
- In Spain, the purchase of housing by foreigners breaks records: who are these foreign investors and what do they choose
- Investing in tourist real estate in Spain: risks and opportunities
- Investing: how to invest in 2022 and not lose
- Investment in plots: becoming an estate owner
- Investments in foreign real estate: where is it better to take out a loan?
- Investments: the pros and cons of different types of real estate on the example of Spain
- Is Investing in Spain’s Real Estate During this Period of Uncertainty Worthwhile?
- Is it beneficial to invest in street retail in Spain?
- Is the Spanish Real Estate Market Expected to Cool Down in 2023?
- Life after moving to Spain: housing, work, and life
- Living standards in Spain: how emigrants live abroad
- Luxury real estate in Benidorm: 7 reasons to invest
- Luxury real estate in Valencia: what to choose?
- Madrid's 5 districts to buy real estate in and relocate to
- Madrid: Prospects and Benefits of Investments
- Madrid: what to invest in now and for what purposes?
- Malaga's 5 districts to buy real estate purchase and relocation
- Málaga: Prospects and Benefits of Investment
- Monte Leon in Maspalomas: luxury villas in a quiet Spanish location
- Mortage: how to get a loan in Spain in 2025?
- Mortgage loans in Spain for Russians and foreigners
- Move to Spain after retirement - residence permit for retirees
- Moving to Catalonia: what you need to know
- Moving to Spain with three children: a personal story
- Moving to Valencia: Everything You Need to Know
- Myths about buying property in Spain
- New buildings in Madrid: What an investor should look for
- New construction in Spain: which is your best choice?
- Off-plan projects in Spain: choosing the most promising investment
- Off-plan real estate in Spain: how to reduce risks when buying a house during the construction phase
- Online property tour to Spain
- Online property viewing in Spain
- Overview of the Costa de Valencia region: What kind of real estate can you buy on the coast?
- Overview of the Spanish real estate market by region: forecasts for autumn
- Ownership certificate for real estate in Spain
- Personal Experience: Moving to Spain with the Whole Family
- Popular questions about life, real estate, residence permits and spanish citizenship
- Prepare your sleigh for the summer: Why and where it's advantageous to spend the winter in Spain
- Preschool, secondary, and higher education in Spain
- Pricing: what influences the price of Spanish real estate
- Property for yachtsmen in Spain
- Property in Spain in January 2022
- Property taxes for Italy and Spain
- Property taxes in Spain
- Property types: what apartments and houses are there in Spain?
- Property with what yield is growing faster in price in Spain
- Pros and cons of living in Spain
- Real Estate in Costa Dorada: 7 Reasons to Invest Today
- Real estate in Spain for income, residence and recreation: what an investor should pay attention to
- Real estate in Spain without funds is real?
- Real estate in Spain: How to save and increase savings during the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Real estate in Spain: the best cities to buy housing. Real estate in 2025 in the regions of Costa Blanca, Costa del Sol, Costa Dorada and the Balearic Islands
- Real estate in Spain: what you can buy for $1 million in 2023
- Real Estate in Spain: Which Locations Bring the Highest Return on Investment in 2025
- Real estate in the Balearic Islands: calculating the purchase cost and associated costs
- Real estate market in March 2021
- Real estate of the future: standards and new construction technologies in Spain
- Real estate up to €500,000: what can potential buyers expect in Spain?
- Real estate values in autonomous communities, provinces and administrative capitals of Spain
- Record-breaking 2022. What are the things Spain was surprised with?
- Renovation of rental properties in Spain: what can we do and who pays for it?
- Renting a property in Spain: everything a landlord needs to know
- Residential Property Sales in the First Two Months of 2023 in Spain
- Results of 2022 in the real estate sphere in Spain: how many houses were sold in a single year?
- Results of the year: key events in the world of real estate in Spain, forecast for 2023
- Review of the real estate market in Spain in 2021. Forecasts for 2022
- Review of the Spanish real estate market’s prices and prospects for 2021
- Risk Assessment of Real Estate Investments, with Spain as an Example
- Rules for Bringing Pets into Spain in 2025
- Sales of Spanish real estate to foreigners: the results of the past and the prospects of the new year
- Schools in Spain: where to go to school and how much it costs
- Secondary housing prices in spain fell by -0.5% in April
- Senior Living; A new type of housing for the elderly
- Shopping in Barcelona: 2025 Guide
- Short-term investments in Spanish real estate: TOP-5 destinations
- Spain's real estate market: 8 forecasts for 2022
- Spain’s housing prices: Statistics by region and city
- Spanish investments in real estate in the UAE
- Spanish real estate market: events and forecasts
- Spanish Real Estate Sector Monthly Insights 2021
- Student housing market in Europe on the example of Spain: current situation and prospects
- Ten (10) most anticipated real estate projects in Spain
- The best cities in Spain to buy property
- The best new buildings to buy an apartment in Spain
- The Best Ways to Obtain a Spanish Residence Permit With the Right to Work
- The buyer of real estate in Spain – who is he?
- The Canary Islands are back in real estate developers’ sights with 2,800 new off-plan buildings
- The differences between medicine in Spain and Europe
- The language barrier in Spain: where English speakers live
- The market of inherited properties in Spain
- The most attractive real estate projects commissioned in Spain in 2022
- The most expensive areas to buy a house in Spain
- The most expensive houses in Spain in 2021
- The most frequent questions of real estate buyers in Spain
- The most impressive and unknown places in Spain: What should investors pay attention to
- The procedure to purchase real estate in Spain in 2022
- The pros and cons of buying an alienated property in Spain in 2025
- The secondary housing market in Spain: the current situation and its prospects
- The TOP 15 Spanish cities with the highest living standards in 2025
- The top 3 best investment projects in Spain in 2023
- Top 10 must-visit spots in Catalonia
- Top 10 reasons to invest in real estate in Spain
- Top 5 most prestigious provinces to live in Spain
- TOP 5 Reasons to Move to Spain: Why This Sunny Country Attracts Expats
- Top cities in Spain: where is it better to live and buy property in 2025?
- Top Suburbs of Madrid and Barcelona for Affordable Real Estate Purchases
- Torrevieja: perspectives and benefits of investments
- Torrevieja’s 5 districts to buy real estate in and relocate to
- Truths and myths about purchasing and owning real estate in Spain
- Types of real estate in Spain: popular, unusual, strange
- Utilities and other household expenses in Spain
- Valencia: perspectives and benefits of investments
- What advantages does a property owner get in Spain?
- What Are the Best Cities in Spain to Buy an Apartment?
- What are the top sights to visit in Andalusia?
- What are young families buying in 2021?
- What do the rich want in 2021? What kind of real estate do they buy in Spain?
- What is a real estate bubble?
- What is an off-plan in Spain?
- What is better not to save on by choosing real estate in Spain
- What is better: Furnished or unfurnished real estate in Spain?
- What kind of property will foreigners buy in Spain in 2023?
- What kind of real estate can you buy in the communities of Spain for 250,000 euros?
- What objects in Spain are profitable to invest in today?
- What should foreigners know about property inheritance in Spain?
- What to acquire in Spain in 2023?
- What type of house can you buy in Costa Brava? The most expensive, luxurious and elite real estate
- Where can you buy better property by the sea, in Spain or Turkey?
- Where to buy a rental property in Spain?
- Where to buy real estate in Spain - choose between north and south
- Where to live on pension - top-5 in Spain
- Where’s the best place in Spain to buy a house by the sea with a swimming pool?
- Which is more profitable for an investor: buying unoccupied premises or a ready-made business in Spain?
- Who Is the Hospitable Southern Andalusia Good For?
- Who is Valencia suitable for?
- Who pays the realtor when buying property in Spain?
- Why do investors prefer to purchase real estate in Spain in 2025?
- Why is it profitable to buy property in Spain in summer?
- Why is La Pinada villa complex called the best in Europe?
- Why should a digital nomad choose Spain?
- Your own apartment or house. What is better to choose in Spain for permanent residence?
- How much does the maintenance of real estate cost in Spain today and how much will it cost in 2022?
- “Unbroken and unconquered”: how is the Spanish real estate market doing in 2022?
- Limits system
- News
- Luxury homes in Spain offer lower prices than other major markets in the world
- "Climate migration" covers the Spanish real estate market - fleeing the heat, people flee to Asturias
- "Investment rain in real estate" in Spain: assets for sale for 8,128 billion euros
- 1,200,000 visits are planned to be restored in Spain by 2030
- 10 most expensive houses in Spain
- 10,000 euros for young people to buy houses in
- 2022 is a record year for real estate investments in Spain
- 2022 is the finest hour of hotels and rental housing
- 2023 forecast: Spain, Italy and Portugal determine the development of the European real estate sector
- 30 Municipalities in Spain with the Cheapest Residential Property to Buy
- 384 Servihabitat houses for sale in Valencia - prices from 9,900 euros
- 50 properties have appeared in Tietar
- 500 ultra-luxurious houses are for sale in the Basque Country priced at over 1 million euros
- 53,623 housing units sold in Spain in February 2022
- 6 most luxurious and expensive villas in Spain and the world
- A beach house for 50,000 euros: co-ownership reaches the middle class in Spain
- A company from Baskonia Category comes to Valencia: 36 million euros of investment in coliving in El Cabanyal
- A decrease in the influx of foreign buyers slows down the pace of housing purchases in Alicante
- A deserted town in Zamora was sold for 240,000 euros
- A fall in house prices on the coast of Granada is inevitable
- A group of Catalan investors put up the Monegal hotel for sale for 30 million euros
- A luxury apartment in the new residential complex Delfin Tower in Benidorm can be bought for less than €2.8 million
- A map of residential complexes in Spain: a house in Sardinero, Santander, is more expensive than a home next to the Sagrada Familia, Barcelona
- A new bubble in the real estate market? Mortgages soar by 23%
- A new form of joint ownership: how 8 people bought a house for €2.5 million on Formentera
- A new home is the best investment during inflation, and here's why
- A new housing boom: "We are seeing unprecedented demand"
- A new trend in the Spanish real estate market: what investors should pay attention to
- A new urban development strategy will be implemented in Zaragoza
- A penthouse of 100 square meters in Valencia or a small apartment in Madrid? Real estate for 200,000 euros in Spain
- A real estate crowdinvesting startup looks for investments and expansion opportunities in the world's largest cities
- A rent agreement for a period of less than a year. Is it even legal?
- A slowdown in the growth of the Spanish real estate market on the horizon: we should expect a drop in prices and a decrease in demand
- A small luxury house for only 45,000 euros
- A village in Burgos with 50 houses and a church is put up for sale for 350,000 euros
- About 100,000 residential property transactions recorded in Madrid in 2022
- About 5,000 chalets priced from 40,000 euros were put up for sale in Spain
- About 77% of the supply of colivings and alternative housing assets in Spain is concentrated in Madrid and Barcelona
- About the regions of Spain where buying a property will require saving money the longest
- Acciona increases the volume of construction in Spain: 7,000 houses will be built within 5 years
- According to Lucas Fox, foreign demand for luxury homes in Spain exceeded local demand in the year to June 2022
- Advanced new housing is becoming increasingly rare on the market, and prices are rising — expectations from 2023
- Advantageous offers for mortgage lending from the largest banks in Spain
- Advantages of investing in Spain
- Aedas builds more than 200 houses in the second most populous municipality of Seville
- Aedas buys Áurea Homes for 54 million euros and strengthens its presence in northern Spain
- Aedas Homes: every third Spaniard plans not to buy, but to rent a house
- AEDAS: More than 70% of Spaniards believe that residential property will rise in price this year
- Affordable apartments, duplexes, and chalets for sale from banks: priced at 60,000 euros, with an area of over 100 sq. m.
- After a decade, Nerja City Council is returning to social housing development
- After a year of the pandemic, Spaniards earn more, and the time required for paying off their housing debt is reduced to six years
- AHE: Average mortgage lending rate increased to 1.5% in March 2022
- Algerian investors show appetite for Alicante in the midst of a trade blockade
- Alicante gives Spain the opportunity to get close to world leadership in combining cryptocurrencies and the real estate market
- Alicante is a leader in housing sales in the secondary market
- Alicante is a leader in the sale of housing in the secondary market
- Alicante is the leader in house sales per capita
- Alicante leads the pace of recovery in foreign home sales - 12,400 transactions in 2021
- Alicante was the leader among the provinces of Spain in the sale of housing in 2022
- Alicante's leadership in the Spanish real estate market and the most popular areas of the country among buyers
- Aliseda Inmobiliaria puts up for sale 1,300 land plots worth 331 million euros
- Almeria is one of the cheapest regions in Spain to buy real estate
- Almería's housing stock is the youngest in Andalusia
- Almost 50,000 residential units were sold in Alicante, setting a post-pandemic record in 2022
- Almost all over Spain, foreigners are more likely to look for houses to rent than to buy
- Almost two-thirds of Spain's subsidized housing is built in Madrid
- American fund Ares put up 1900 houses for sale for 400 million €
- An absolute record for the sale of second-hand housing was set in Andalusia in March 2022
- An exclusive Spanish house with a tunnel directly to the sea has been sold
- An increasing number of Spanish municipalities are striving to become «smart cities»
- Andalusia is the region of Spain with the largest vacation rental housing stock
- Andorra's real estate market cannot cope with the existing demand
- Andy Poppink: "Madrid is very interesting in terms of investment"
- Annualized, the prices for residential property in La Rioja went up by 4.6% in the 1st quarter of this year
- Apartment for rent on 12 square meters for 650 euros per month or how greed becomes a meme
- Apartments and houses available for purchase from Andalusia’s banks for 8,000 Euros
- Apartments in Oviedo, an investment options from 33,800 euros
- Apartments sale in the province of Cadiz returns to pre-crisis levels
- Approximately the best month to purchase a home in Spain
- aProperties: An excellent situation is emerging in the Spanish real estate market for the development of the BTR sector
- AQ Acentor builds 1,200 new properties in Malaga
- Aragon’s economic performance is better than expected, with a 0.9% growth forecast for 2023
- Architectural and construction trends — 4 trends that will determine the year 2023
- Asset management company Sareb selects Domo Group to list 5,600 houses for sale for € 300 million
- Aster District smart city: 5,000 houses near Madrid
- Asturias meadows and water resources are becoming one of the most expensive assets in Spain
- Asturias real estate is becoming a valuable asset for foreigners looking for an investment
- At the end of April 2022, housing prices in the secondary market of Granada continue to grow
- Auctions of cheap villas and penthouses in Spain: apartments’ prices start from 10,000 euros
- August is the best time to sell a house — why should you prepare for it in advance?
- Authorities admit “The Real Estate Law” is controversial, but insist on its social necessity
- Avalon and Ares invest 400 million euros in real estate in Madrid
- Average Spanish House Prices increased by 3.7% in 2021
- Avila is one of the capitals of Spain with the “youngest” housing stock
- Aviles: fantastic offers from EUR 32,000
- AX Partners invests 50 million euros to create two funds for luxury housing in Spain
- Azora acquires land in Valdecarros (Madrid) to build affordable rental housing
- Bain Capital plans to invest a billion euros in hotels in Spain by 2024
- Balearic households need to spend almost 32% of their income in order to buy a home
- Balearic Islands — the region with the most expensive urban land in Spain in 2022
- Bank of Spain denies 'warning signs' in national real estate market
- Bank of Spain said economic demand for real estate will be higher than expected
- Bank of Spain warns that commercial real estate assets value will fall
- Bank of Spain warns: property prices will rise
- Bank of Spain: access to real estate is a
- Bank of Spain: Fresh forecast for residential property prices in 2023
- Bankinter: Residential property prices will rise less than expected this year – and here's the reason
- Barcelona aims to capitalize on debate about future of cities
- Barcelona and Madrid record the highest rise in residential property prices in 2022
- Barcelona builds more public housing than ever before
- Barcelona is the fourth city with the highest share of real estate investment from the United States
- Barcelona is the most profitable city in Spain for renting parking spaces
- Barcelona Real Estate Market: what will happen in 2023
- Barcelona rises prices on admission of Catalonian rental law
- Barcelona, Madrid, and San Sebastian are the cities with the highest rents in Spain
- Barnes says 30% of luxury property buyers in Madrid will be international entrepreneurs
- BBVA: housing stock will grow by an average of 120,000 real estate units per year
- Belgian Gold Estates and Alicante-based M&D team up to build tourist homes
- Best prefab homes under €30,000
- Beyond the cliché: Andalusia's “cave houses” return from oblivion to become the 21st century’s accommodation
- Big Data, Applications and Blockchain: Technologies that revolutionize the real estate industry
- Biscay Daily Sales Record - 35 trades per day in September
- Bitcoin gains momentum in real estate sector
- Blockchain affects the real estate market: the world’s first agreement on a “tokenised” residence
- BOE agency organizes auctions for the sale of cheap apartments and houses starting from €56,000
- Boom in Catalonia: the number of transactions for the purchase and sale of housing is growing
- Booming luxury market draws real estate firm Buffett to the Canary Islands
- Brand Strength: How the luxury sector is evolving in the face of a brewing economic crisis
- Brick company leaves Barcelona and moves to Madrid
- Bridge Loan: a Popular Product in Private Lending Market
- British group Grosvenor invests £4 million in its Spanish subsidiary
- British Investor Activity Increases in Costa Blanca
- British retirees sell their homes in Spain
- British retirees sell their houses in Spain
- British, Moroccans and French buy a lot of houses in Spain this year
- Buy-to-Rent Model Remains Attractive Amid Rising Interest Rates
- Buying a finca in Cadiz is a luxury available to few people
- Buying a home becomes more expensive under growing demand due to the lack of new development projects
- Buying a home by foreigners is a delicate issue for Spain
- Buying a home in Extremadura costs almost 100,000 euros cheaper than in the rest of Spain
- Buying a second property in Madrid, Barcelona and the Balearic Islands is again of interest to foreign investors
- Buying an apartment during a recession — 3 key points to keep in mind
- Buying apartment in Salamanca for renovation is no longer a good business
- Buying or renting a house in Spain: what to choose in 2023?
- By February 2023, due to the growth of Euribor, mortgage loans have risen in price by almost 50% - a historical level
- Cadiz to be among Spain’s top ten provinces with largest number of luxury homes
- Cadiz, the capital of Andalusia, showed one of the highest rates of house price growth in 2022
- CaixaBank reaches maximum volume of factoring and confirmation and becomes market leader in Spain
- Caixabank: houses it sells for less than 10,000 euros
- Cajamar and Haya Real Estate Offer Properties at €50,000 on Andalusian Market
- Can you buy a house with bitcoin in Spain?
- Canadian company Inovalis buys offices in Alcobendas (Madrid) from Merlin for €31 million
- Canadian Foundation Completes Purchase of Mare Nostrum Resort in Tenerife
- Canary Islands, Valencia, La Rioja and Navarra among Spain’s provinces with rents growing beyond 5-year average
- Castile-La Mancha: Sales and rental rates skyrocket
- Castilla y León will receive almost 87 million euros for the restoration of property and public buildings
- Castilla-La Mancha is one of the two Spanish regions with the most affordable housing real estate to purchase
- Castilla-La Mancha is the leader in the growth of housing prices
- Catalan tenants protest after Spain's largest landlord refuses to renew 2,000 housing leases
- Catalonia is the region with the largest number of «smart houses» in Spain
- CBRE: Balearic Islands Become Top Investment Destination for Spainish Hospitality
- CBRE: In 2022, investments in the co-living/co-ownership sector in Spain increase to €430 million
- Ceuta: active real estate market and sales growth of 48.3%
- Cevasa and Neinor win tender for 4,500 houses in Barcelona
- Changing the cycle in the Spanish real estate market — to sell or to buy?
- Cheap accommodation to rent just 30 minutes from Barcelona
- Cheap apartments from Spanish banks: area up to 100 sq. m. and prices from 36,000 euros
- Cheap but high-quality prefabricated wooden houses from 10,400 euros
- Cities in Spain where most of the wages of citizens go to pay for housing
- Cities in Spain where salaries will not allow you to buy a house
- Cities in Spain where you can still buy housing at favorable prices
- Cities in Spain with the highest rates of new housing construction
- Cities of Cadiz with the lowest housing prices
- City in Cuenca offers a free home and job
- City, suburb, and province: Where to buy more and why?
- Ciudad Real became the second cheapest city in Spain, among the provincial capitals, in terms of prices for existing housing
- Ciudad Real joins Provincial Residential Property Sales Boom
- Ciudad Real lightens the stock of brand new homes
- Clean and Green Mobile Pre-Fabricated Houses from EUR 33,000
- Clikalia — Spanish PropTech, which has conquered large investors, enters the rental housing market
- Closing bank branches makes renting premises 65% cheaper
- CNC suggests using European funds to make it easier for young people to buy a house
- Co-ownership of luxury housing comes to ski resort segments
- Coastal property sales in Spain increase by 5% this summer
- Colibid is a Spanish startup that unites banks to make mortgage cheaper
- Coliving: a new accommodation format popular with young professionals
- ColivINN and Mazabi intend to develop residential coliving in Spain
- Collaborative housing as a successful alternative for older people during pandemic
- Congress votes on new housing bill that most real estate businesses oppose
- Construction of rental real estate in Valencia is under way: more than 1,500 houses are under construction
- Converting Offices into Apartments Will Help Create Around 28,000 New Housing Units in Madrid and Barcelona
- Converting the entire housing stock in Spain to an ecological basis will cost up to 350 billion euros
- Cordoba economy could grow by 5-6% in 2021
- Cordoba is the fifth city in Spain in terms of life quality
- Country houses in Spain are worth their weight in gold. Rural settlement problems
- Crowdfunding for real estate investment is becoming a big trend in Spain
- Crowdfunding raises almost 170 million euros in Spain in 2020
- Crypto is gaining ground in the Spanish real estate market
- Cryptocurrency news: A house in Seville for 69,000 euros was bought for tokens in 4 minutes from the beginning of trading
- Cube Two: a new project for the construction of houses worth less than EUR 70,000
- Culmia launches new project on Arbeial Beach in Gijon
- Culmia puts into operation 15 luxury houses in the historic center of San Sebastian
- Current state of luxury real estate in Spain
- D&A Inmobiliaria: Five trends in the Spanish property market in 2023
- D&A Inmobiliaria: five trends of the Spanish real estate market in 2023
- Dar Global enters the Spanish market and intends to build an equestrian and golf center in Malaga
- Demand and prices: how to develop the market of new buildings in 2023
- Demand for apartments in apartment buildings is recovering
- Demand for eco-friendly construction in the Sierra de Madrid grows
- Demand for residential property in Segovia is growing because of interest from university students
- Despite high inflation, from 15% to 20% of Spaniards will try to buy a new house in the coming months
- Despite the «best September in the last 15 years», the Spanish real estate market is noticeably cooling in the fourth quarter
- Detached houses purchase in Spain increased by 60%
- Developer Cordia Homes chooses a location for its first project in Spain
- Developer Sierra Blanca Estates is developing a new large project for the construction of luxury villas
- Developers of residential real estate in Cantabria urge to take urgent measures in «emergency situation»
- Diario de Subastas: More than 3,000 real estate auctions take place every day in Spain
- Did the British program to help young people buy their first home work?
- Digital nomads from Northern Europe discover paradise in Cadiz and on the Costa del Sol
- Digitalization is a means of support for the Spanish real estate market
- Do you support the idea of energy rehabilitation of housing? Yes, but with conditions
- Do you want to sell an apartment in Barcelona? Evidence suggests now is the best time
- Does Proptech bring a digital revolution in the real estate sector?
- Dolce & Gabbana launches real estate projects in Marbella, Miami and the Maldives
- Due to building materials and energy, real estate construction has become more expensive than a year earlier
- Due to the large offer and affordable prices, home sales in Lugo grow among foreigners
- Duplexes from Solvia: 153 new properties are on sale at a price of 30,000 euros
- During the 1st quarter of 2022 Real Estate Prices in Spain Rose by 8.5%, Below the EU Average
- E-commerce in real estate services soared by 60% in the second quarter of 2021
- E-purchase of real estate decreased by 29.6% in Q1 2021
- Earthship: Self-sustaining homes that will revolutionize the world
- ECB experts: the fall in house prices in Spain should not be expected
- ECB: “High demand for housing will continue in the coming months”
- El Puerto de Santa Maria is One of the Most Profitable Coastal Areas for Investment in Real Estate
- El Viso, the luxury area of Madrid where Luis Medina takes refuge
- Elite houses in Spain become havens for super-rich Russians
- Emigration to Spain: About the principle of work of visas for the purchase of real estate and current changes in legislation
- Empty houses in Spain: about 4% of homeowners have empty houses and 43% of it are concerned about gaps in legislation
- Energy efficient homes will provide a profit of 20%
- Energy-efficient homes will provide a profit of 20%
- Euribor passed 4% and reached the highest level since November 2008
- European funds are ready to determine the future of the real estate sector
- European funds open up new opportunities for the construction sector
- European millionaires are buying real estate in Mallorca
- European millionaires rent out their Spanish houses: the rental price is 6 000 euros per week
- Every 5th Spain Resident Is Going to Buy a House in 5 Years
- Evolution of property prices in Spain after the pandemic
- Exclusive property worth €65 million for sale in Mallorca
- Expectation vs reality: why most houses are selling for less than advertised
- Experts confirm that investing in housing in 2023 is the right decision
- Experts consider Spain a safe haven for investment due to the local real estate market
- Experts expect home sales in Spain to remain stable
- Experts of the Spanish real estate market indicate that there is stagnation, but changes are coming
- Experts on what to expect from house prices in the summer of 2023
- Experts predict a rise in house prices and warn:
- Experts reflect on the solution to the real estate crisis in the Balearic Islands
- Experts say: Spain's real estate bubble is not threatened
- Extremadura and Castile-La Mancha are the regions with the cheapest housing prices
- Factors that can reduce the number of investments in Spanish real estate in the second half of 2022
- Fiabci: «built-to-rent» is gaining momentum in Spain due to the problems of real estate affordability
- FincaRaiz:
- First year of rental intervention in Catalonia: offers decreased by 40%, number of contracts – by 16%
- Five important trends in the Spanish real estate market in 2023
- Five luxury penthouses in Ensanche, Pamplona
- Five of the best places in Spain to buy property
- Five reasons why Spain is becoming a paradise for the Protech industry
- Five things to consider when buying your first home
- Flipping houses and the
- For a profitable mortgage - to Murcia!
- For property buyers, Marbella is the third most expensive municipality in Spain
- Forecast for the Spanish residential real estate market for 2023: falling sales and rising rental rates
- Foreign clients choose houses in Spain with a good view and service availability
- Foreign demand stimulates the real estate market of Murcia — it grew by 23.4%
- Foreign investment in Madrid increased by 3% in the second quarter
- Foreign investment in real estate in Spain rises to 111,743 per year
- Foreign investment stimulates the Spanish real estate sector: What made the market so attractive?
- Foreign investment. What is it about Spain that makes it so attractive?
- Foreign investors are betting on the Spanish market
- Foreigners account for 16.3% of luxury home sales in Spain: Balearic and Canary Islands in the spotlight
- Foreigners already account for about half of all real estate sales in Ibiza and Formentera
- Foreigners and Their Favorite Places to Buy Property in Spain
- Foreigners are buying more housing in Spain than ever: at the highest prices in history
- Foreigners are once again interested in luxury homes in Madrid
- Foreigners start buying property in Spain again: Balearic and Canary Islands show sales growth
- Foreigners stimulate the purchase of housing in Spain
- Foreigners stimulate the purchase of housing in Spain
- Foreigners to account for over 30% of total luxury real estate demand in Madrid
- Foreigners, holiday apartments and second homes drive the housing market this summer
- Fotocasa: Currently 50% more new houses are being bought than at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Fotocasa: In five years, the budget needed to buy a property in Spain has grown by 16%
- Four experts on the prospects of the Spanish real estate market in 2023
- From Coruña to Madrid: prefabricated housing development grows in Spain
- Galicia records the slowest growth in the mortgage market in Spain in November 2022
- Galicia: rental rates increase and housing prices increase by 7% over the past year
- German bank Deutsche Hypo reported delays in real estate transactions and expects prices to fall soon
- Germany, France and the UK dominate the overseas search for housing in Spain
- Gestilar promises to build 2,000 “for rent” houses in Spain in 2022
- Getafe is the second most popular city in Spain for housing sales
- Gonzalo Bernardos:
- Goodbye rent: CaixaBank offers almost 1,000 apartments and chalets for less than 30,000 euros
- Google opens first offline retail store in Spain
- Granada's luxury housing market is booming, the average price per square meter has already reached 3,300 euros
- Grupo Lar builds the first co-living in Malaga for 17.8 million euros
- Grupo Lar invests 21.4 million euros in Barcelona for building 75 rental houses
- Habitat launches two residential projects in Vigo with €30 million in investments
- High demand for single-family homes depletes housing inventory in Valencia
- High rates of construction will lead to the paralysis of the primary real estate market because of inflation
- High-rise residential complexes Renazca and Skyline awoke the appetite of investors for Tetouan (Madrid)
- Holiday home market gears up for recovery
- Home prices in Spain rise by 3.3% in Q2
- Home prices rose 1.3% in May, according to Tinsa
- Home sales in Murcia give rise to the increase of Euribor: demand for new construction rises
- Home sales in the secondary market of Talavera increased by 3.5% over the past year
- Home sellers slash prices in Madrid
- Hot summer for luxury real estate
- Hotel and logistics real estate became the most profitable sectors of the Spanish market in 2022
- Hotels are being sold out in Spain despite the end of the pandemic
- House flipping: investments in apartments for renovation and subsequent resale with a 20% margin
- House prices are recovering in Madrid and its suburbs earlier than in Barcelona
- House prices grow by 1.7% in the second quarter of 2021
- House prices in Spain increased by 4.1% in the year to March 2023
- House prices rose by more than 8% in 2022 - the biggest increase since the «soap bubble»
- House prices to decline only slightly in 2021, adjustment postpones until 2022
- House prices to rise by 11% in 2023
- Houses from 69,000 to 444,000 euros — the cheapest and most expensive offers in Spain
- Houses in Spain will continue to rise in price in 2022: will the «bubble» appear in the real estate market?
- Houses with berths in Catalonia are the subject of special excitement among the French and Germans
- Housing co-ownership becomes fashionable, even among wealthy buyers
- Housing demand in Murcia increased by 2.75% from foreigners
- Housing demand to grow 5% in 2021, according to CBRE
- Housing demand weakens in Madrid and Barcelona, but rises in the cities’ outskirts
- Housing fever in Spain: race against each other
- Housing in Spain is still cheaper than at the peak of the “bubble”
- Housing law and real estate market fundamentals that are not subject to regulation
- Housing plan for 2022-2025: assistance in increasing the number of public apartments in Spain
- Housing prices in large cities fall over the past year
- Housing prices in Malaga rose by 14% in annual terms and exceeded the mark of 2,700 euros per square meter
- Housing prices in Spain and EU have grown by 39% last decade
- Housing Profitability of in Alcorcon remains at 5.5%
- Housing sales and purchases in Catalonia increase by 19.35% in the first quarter
- Housing without terrace or balcony ... What will be their fate after the pandemic?
- How do Spanish homeowners increase the value of their property by 30%?
- How e-commerce has impacted the logistics real estate space
- How Europeans continue to buy real estate in Barcelona even after the introduction of sanctions
- How has the pandemic affected luxury real estate growth?
- How have housing prices changed in Spain over the past two decades?
- How house prices have changed in the capitals of Spain after more than a year of the pandemic
- How is it profitable to join a housing cooperative?
- How long will it take to sell a house in Spain in 2023?
- How many years do I have to save my salary to buy a house in Spain?
- How much income can you get from renting a house?
- How the pandemic affects the price dynamics in Cádiz
- How the real estate sector has changed during the pandemi
- How the rich take advantage of the situation of a gradually collapsing real estate market
- How the secondary real estate in Spain is sold without an announcement of sale
- How the “LIVING” real estate market grows in Spain
- How to become the owner of a luxury villa for 3.4 million euros for just 300,000 euros?
- How to buy a luxury house of over 2 million for 250,000 euros
- How to calculate the sale price of real estate with RealAdvisor
- How to Choose a Mortgage to Buy a Second Property
- How to determine the current market price of real estate in order to profitably sell it?
- How to invest profitably in the midst of property construction recovery
- How to Make Your Home More Sustainable: 6 Simple Tips
- How to participate in auctions for public housing?
- How to sell real estate in Malaga at the highest price and in the shortest possible time?
- How will inflation affect the sale and purchase of residential real estate in Spain?
- Huge growth potential for Food & Beverage real estate in Spain
- Hyatt will bring its luxury tourist apartments to Madrid from € 300 per night
- Idealista: Housing prices in the secondary market fell by 0.2% in the first quarter of 2022
- Idealista: In April, the price of secondary housing in Spain increased by 1.5%
- Idealista: three houses on the island of Mallorca that are among the top ten most expensive properties in Spain
- If you are selling an apartment, hurry up - if you are buying, do not rush
- If you own your own house, you can earn extra money without leaving the threshold
- IMF warns of 'turnaround' in housing sector with prices falling by 23.5% in next 3 years
- Impact of the pandemic on the house and villa sector
- Impact year 2021 for the Spanish property market: 1,500 apartments sold every day
- In 2021, almost 500 real estate companies were involved in a merger or acquisition process
- In 2021, Europeans accounted for 2% of real estate purchases
- In 2021, Murcia became the leader in the growth of mortgage lending to residential real estate — 41% in annual terms
- In 2022, 1.75 million houses will be renovated in Spain
- In 2022, real estate prices in Spain will rise by 4%, while rent will fall by 4%
- In 2022, sales and purchases of real estate in Aragon reached the best indicators since 2007
- In 2023, the residential real estate market in Spain is predicted to reduce prices
- In a new location: Grupo Lar leases a new office for the headquarters
- In Alicante, Valencia, the second largest increase in secondary market housing prices in Spain has been registered
- In Aragon, prices for secondary housing fall by 1.18% compared to last year
- In Barcelona and Palma, buying a home will require the highest tax payments in the country
- In Cadiz, the real estate business moves up
- In February 2022, house sales in Catalonia increased by 22%
- In four municipalities of Granada, house prices have increased by more than 20% over the past year
- In half of the autonomous districts, the prices of houses for sale recover to the pre-COVID level
- In Leon, there is only one apartment with a swimming pool for every 100 ones
- In Murcia, mini-apartments with an area of less than 30 square meters account for 0.3% of the market
- In next 24 months, almost 3 million m2 of industrial and logistics spaces to appear in Madrid and Barcelona
- In one of the most sought-after areas of Madrid, work begins on apartments for rent Vivia
- In Q1 2023, Malaga is again leading in price growth in Spain, becoming more expensive than Barcelona
- In several municipalities of Cadiz, housing prices fall the most in the summer
- In Spain the number of the super-rich increased by 12% in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis
- In Spain, interest in real estate investment increased by 400% over the past six months
- In Spain, it has become possible to buy a home for cryptocurrencies
- In Spain, the digitalization of real estate processes is actively taking place
- In Spain, the real estate market is booming again: why are so many new properties being bought?
- In Spain, two largest developers Neinor and Via Célere will work together
- In ten months of 2021, transactions growth in the Spanish real estate market reached 22%
- In ten months of 2021, transactions growth in the Spanish real estate market reached 22%
- In the autonomous community of Madrid, the introduction of guaranteed housing model for young people is being completed
- In the capital cities of Andalusia, more than 11,000 new houses have been put up for sale: where are more offers?
- In the first quarter of 2021, there were 13.6% more sales and purchases in Spain than in the previous quarter
- In the III quarter of 2022, the volume of investments in the Spanish residential real estate sector grew by 74% in annual terms
- In the next three years, the growth of housing prices in the province of Toledo will be the highest in Spain
- In the realities of an expensive mortgage: is it worth buying a new house today or is it better to wait for prices to fall?
- In the second half of 2022, every fifth home sale in Spain was to a foreigner
- In Valencia the number of mortgage loans increased by 75%
- In what areas of the Spanish coast do you have to pay the most for a house?
- In which city in Spain is it more profitable to rent a house than to buy?
- Inbisa sold Butron Castle to a foreign investor for EUR 4,000,000
- Inflation, interest rates and rising costs continue to plague Spain's construction sector
- ING: Housing price growth to slow down in 2023
- Inmociónate Residential Real Estate Forum Held in Spain
- Inmsa: Wealthy buyers invest in real estate in Spain and the USA
- Innovations in the Spanish real estate sector are multifaceted
- Innovative technologies will help make the real estate sector safer
- Interest in buying hotels remains high in Spain
- Interest in buying villas stabilizes as demand for apartments increases
- Inverpriban Rent: turning a house into money without leaving the threshold
- Investing in parking spaces is an option for a novice investor
- Investing in real estate funds in Spain: is it still profitable?
- Investing in resorts in Spain is a win-to-win option
- Investment in housing construction in Spain reaches record highs, despite the decline at the end of 2022
- Investment in luxury housing is up 20% this year, with Madrid and Barcelona leading the way
- Investment in the property market: 93 million euros for houses in La Solana de Valdebebas
- Investment opportunities in the Spanish real estate sector in 2023
- Investments in Spanish real estate market increased by 33% in 2021
- Investments in student dormitories are growing in Spain
- Investments in student housing in Spain will reach 6.8 billion euros by 2035
- Investments in the Hospitality Sector
- Investments in the hospitality sector showed a strong result for 2021
- Investments in the hotel real estate sector in Spain in 2022
- Investments in the hotel sector are concentrated in popular tourist regions and the elite segment
- Investments in the hotel sector reach almost 2.5 billion euros in 2021
- Investments in the Spanish logistics market exceeded 1.9 billion euros in 2022
- Investor income in Spanish real estate in 2021
- Investors are again betting on the Spanish property market
- Investors are investing 1.2 billion euros in hotel development
- Is it possible to live on income from renting out real estate?
- Is it possible to use a tourist apartment as the main place of residence in Spain?
- Is it profitable to invest in real estate crowdfunding?
- Is it the right time to buy a second home in Murcia?
- Is it worth buying a property in Spain in 2023?
- Is Spain a good real estate market for investment in 2023?
- Jaen is a metropolis in Andalusia with the cheapest housing on the secondary market
- January-March — the best months to sell a house?
- Jerez is one of the cheapest cities in Spain to buy real estate
- JLL: investments in the retail sector of the Spanish real estate market will reach a record 4.45 billion euros in 2023
- June sees the biggest home buying boom in a decade
- Karl Lagerfeld lands in Marbella with five luxury villas on the Golden Mile
- Kensington opens its first office in Madrid
- KKH breaks records: 30,000 euros per square meter in Barcelona
- La Coruña was included in the ranking of 100 Spanish municipalities in terms of consumer demand for apartments
- La Finca opens its doors to the super-rich: Apartments on the market from €900,000
- La Nogalera is the first large luxury residential complex in Spain
- Lack of building land stimulates consolidation in the real estate sector
- Las Canteras, El Saler or Calpe: the cheapest coastal destinations to rent real estate and escape from inflation this summer
- Latin American Investment and Technology, Real Estate, and Financial Sector Boom in Spain
- Launch of USD 100 million real estate investment projects financed through the capital market
- Leon is the second province where it is cheaper to buy secondary housing
- Less property rented in Malaga than last year
- List of 10 districts of Spain where the cost of real estate has increased: Four of it are located in Malaga
- List of the 15 most popular cities in Spain to buy property in 2023
- Living at a height — more than 1,450 spacious but cheap penthouses in Alicante from 60,000 euros
- Lleida is the most affordable city for living in Spain
- Logistics and real estate are the winning sectors for investment in Spain
- Logistics assets in Madrid and Barcelona guide the development of the local real estate market
- Luxury confronts the pandemic in Marbella
- Luxury construction is the order of the day in the new developments in Palma
- Luxury home sales in Spain are growing at a fast pace
- Luxury hotels and hostels advertise for sale amid pandemic
- Luxury house purchase requests rise by 66% in Mallorca
- Luxury housing in Spain is as an investment opportunity
- Luxury residential business continues to move forward after pandemic
- Luxury villas in Marbella now are being sold for higher price than before the pandemic
- Luxury, luxury and once again luxury: how the premium housing sector forgets about covid and the new law
- M&G: The Global Real Estate Market Is Holding On, but the Danger Is Not Over Yet
- Madrid approves Valdecarros urban development project to build 51,000 homes
- Madrid became the European capital with the highest house price growth in May 2023 - Bloomberg
- Madrid became the second European city in terms of international investment in housing in 2022
- Madrid is ahead of London and New York in terms of the growth of luxury real estate
- Madrid is the region with the highest increase in house prices compared to last year
- Madrid is to build 4,000 more social housing units in Valdecarros
- Madrid Mayor Jose Luis Martinez-Almeida opposes new housing law
- Madrid's impossible luxury market: 120 square meters cost at least 2 million euros today
- Madrid, Barcelona and Malaga saw the highest demand for housing in 2021
- Madrid, Barcelona, Cadiz: cheap apartments with garage and storage room for EUR 44,000
- Madrid, Palma and Malaga achieve record home prices
- Major real estate investors in Spain on the most attractive assets in 2023
- Majority of experts predict increase in property purchases by foreign buyers
- Malaga among Spain’s top property investment destinations along with Madrid and Barcelona
- Malaga is among the 15 cities in Spain with the highest quality of life, but Vigo tops the list
- Malaga is the second city in Spain in terms of the high cost of construction
- Malaga starts 2022 with record number of mortgages in the years since the times of
- Malaga's historic center attracts large portion of real estate investments in Spain
- Malaga, Seville and Valencia are the Spanish cities where real estate prices rose the most in 2021
- Marbella luxury real estate market booming - Panorama Properties
- Marbella: all the details about the world's best luxury real estate
- Mazabi buys a hotel in Cordoba and expands its portfolio with twenty establishments
- Millenium has acquired the Iberostar Las Letras Gran Vía hotel in Madrid for 70 million euros
- Millenium to open its luxury hotel in the historic center of Cordoba by the end of 2023
- Mini-houses in Spain from 8,000 euros: Models and prices
- Montebalito and Altosa will build 37 houses in Madrid's Ciudad Lineal
- Montegancedo is new green area of richest municipality in Spain with villas worth up to two million euros
- More and more buyers choose Alicante property as an investment
- More and more international investors are showing interest in the European real estate market
- More people want homes in Asturias to escape big city life
- More than 1,100 apartments and townhouses offered for sale by CaixaBank from 10,700 euros
- More than 5,500 new homes will be built in ARPO, a new neighborhood in Pozuelo (Madrid)
- More than a hundred SOCIMI companies are already operating in Spain, and another 35 are expected to be created in the next 2 years
- More than a million Andalusians would like to change their homes in the coming years
- Mortgage cap: the number of mortgage transactions in Malaga is breaking records
- Mortgage loans will continue to grow in 2022, with fixed rates becoming the most profitable option
- Mortgages break the negative trend: growth of 35% in March after five months of decline
- Mortgages in Spain are noticeably cheaper than the average in Europe
- Most affordable Spain’s municipalities to buy a home
- Most expensive house in Canary Islands is located in Adeje
- Most expensive house in Canary Islands is located in Santa Ursula and is sold for 8.8 million euros
- Most of the most: the areas of Marbella and Estepona with the most expensive Spanish real estate
- Moving to Seville as an alternative to the demographic boom in Malaga
- Multi-million investment in the construction of new housing in Mostoles
- Multimillion payments will be directed to the reconstruction of Aragon
- Murcia has entered the top areas with cheap real estate
- Murcia real estate market in full recovery mode
- MVGM will manage 35,400 m2 located in five new AEW buildings
- Nearly two-thirds of Valencia’s homes are ideal for remote work
- Neinor is in talks to buy rival company Vía Célere with the aim of creating Spain's largest real estate development company
- Never before have foreigners bought so many houses in Spain
- New building permits increased by more than 20% and exceeded 40,000 housing units
- New buildings in Spain are in great demand among buyers
- New buildings of Zaragoza — the best construction projects in 2023
- New buildings or the secondary market: what is better to buy today?
- New construction rises, buying and selling prices are stable, and rental prices fall in cities such as Ceuta, Caceres and Gipuzkoa
- New four-star hotel in Seville
- New housing in Aragon are 10% more expensive than a year ago
- New housing in Spain: how the market is developing after the pandemic and what experts expect
- New housing law proposes to introduce a surcharge for empty houses
- New Housing Law Stimulates the Vacation Rentals Sector
- New measures to support the real estate sector have been approved by the Spanish government
- New prefabricated houses can be bought on Amazon for just 2,500 euros
- New residential real estate in Spain may be less successful than secondary market housing in 2023
- New tax could drastically cut Spanish property investment, market unhappy
- New trends in the luxury homes market in Spain
- New ways to invest in real estate
- Nidom Homes and Unlatch to digitize Spanish real estate sales
- Non-resident Russians are on the list of foreigners who are willing to pay maximum prices for buying a home in Spain
- Note to an investor: how can a foreigner open a bank account in Spain?
- November 2021 was the best since 2010 in terms of mortgage contracts
- Now is the best time to buy a house
- Now it is perfect time to look for a cheap mortgage in Spain
- Number of Spanish hotels for sale grows
- October results: transactions in the real estate market exceeded 8.706 billion euros
- Offers not to be missed: 5 apartments in Asturias for 11,500 €
- Offices are one of the most profitable assets for investment in the Spanish real estate market
- Only 2.5% of Spanish housing stock is social real estate
- Only 4% of tenants in Spain allow families with cats or dogs to rent housing without conditions
- Opening of a pilot house in La Pinada Nature Resort!
- Opening of the 2021 holiday season in Spain: when to pack your bags?
- Opinions of Valencia citizens on the housing issue
- Over the past year, housing prices in the autonomous community of Murcia have increased by 5.04%
- Pablo Casado appealed to help citizens who lost their houses due to volcanic eruption
- Palma is fifth most expensive provincial capital for renting apartments in Spain
- Palma is the third high-priced city in Spain when renting a room
- Paradoxical situation in Spain: The number of
- Paseo de Gracia overtook Portal de l'angel in the race of the most expensive shopping avenues in Spain
- Pau Gasol's new business can make you the owner of luxury housing
- Payments to people who lost their properties due to a volcanic eruption in Palma will increase to 100,000 euros
- Penthouses in Spain: 8000 Properties with Prices Starting from €45,000
- Personalized Mortgages: The Future of Real Estate Finance?
- Pontegadea: activities in Spain, investments and prospects of the real estate market
- Prefabricated houses for sale from 3,000 euros
- Premier Developer commissioned 47% more houses in the first half of the year
- Premium houses in Navarre: 44 elite properties and three luxurious units for sale
- Premium residential real estate market is recovering on the Costa Dorada
- Preparing for the crisis: secondary market housing prices in Castile and Leone are 30% cheaper than in 2008
- President of the Canary Islands announces new relief measures for La Palma
- Price forecast for the residential real estate market of the Spanish coast
- Price growth and digitalization: the main trends in the real estate sector in 2022
- Price of new property in Telde has increased by 0.3% over the past year
- Price tensions and supply cuts in 2023
- Price, location, size? Learn about the main factors to buy property in Spain
- Prices for garage premises in Aragon and productivity of the sector
- Prices for land, labor and building materials are making new housing more expensive, although demand continues to grow
- Prices for luxury housing in Madrid rose by 2%
- Prices for luxury housing in Spain increased by 8% in 2022
- Prices for luxury housing to rise in Madrid and Barcelona this year
- Prices for secondary real estate fell by 0.4% in Galicia, while in Spain it is risen by 2.8%
- Prices increased 13% due to active participation in sales of millennials
- Prices on the secondary residential real estate market in Spain fall for the three month
- Prices review for property purchase and rent in major cities of Spain
- Profile of the beneficiary of subsidized housing in Spain: Age up to 35 years and income up to 40,000 euros
- Profitability of garages in Seville is 12% per year, the highest in Spain
- Profitable investment in real estate in Malaga
- Prologis acquired 81,000 m2 of logistics space in Madrid
- Properties under 30,000 euros: Housing from banks, prefabricated houses and apartments for inheritance
- Property prices increased by 3.6% in June. Mediterranean coast is leading with an increase of 6.5%
- Property purchasing is booming in major cities, while renting is picking up in rural areas
- Property sales and purchases have already returned to pre-pandemic levels
- PropTech: the future of real estate
- Pros and cons of new property taxation
- Prospects for the development of the housing market in Biscay in 2022
- Prospects of real estate market in Asturias in 2022
- Prospects of the affordable real estate market in Spain
- Pryconsa to build €30 million urban development in northern Madrid
- Public housing starts in San Fernando for the first time in 12 years
- Quiet towns of Gipuzkoa for a comfortable life and for little money
- Rare diamonds: the most expensive houses in the province of Ourense
- Rate on Alicante: more than 32% of real estate transactions are carried out at the expense of small investors
- Real estate agencies confirm: changes in the residential real estate market in Spain are already noticeable
- Real estate agency Seville 2000 takes steps to sell real estate in Spain
- Real estate deals: houses on the Asturian coast for less than 30,000 euro
- Real estate for sale decreased by 10% in Madrid, but increased by 5% in Barcelona
- Real estate from the Bank of Spain with a discount of up to 41%
- Real estate in Asturias: deals on apartments for the price of a car
- Real estate in Spain attracted ten new international investment companies
- Real estate in Spain is becoming increasingly popular with investors
- Real estate industry expects that in the coming months, prices for new housing to rise, and prices for second homes to fall
- Real estate investment doubled in retail
- Real estate investments in Europe are returning to pre-pandemic levels, as profitability has increased by 10%
- Real estate investments in Spain will become inflation protection in 2022
- Real estate market forecast for the coming months
- Real estate market forecasts for 2022
- Real estate market in Spain finishes 2021 with 30% growth
- Real estate market is moving towards digitalization
- Real estate market roundup: August 2021
- Real estate optimism grows: lessons learned from the 2008 financial crisis
- Real estate or cryptocurrency — where to invest in 2023
- Real estate prices have grown by 8.5%, the highest increase since 2007, before the bubble burst: why are house prices so high?
- Real estate prices in Spain are more stable than in the rest of Europe and the USA
- Real estate prices in Spain are rising faster than inflation
- Real estate sales in Spain are falling and prices are rising
- Real estate sales in Spain will increase by autumn
- Real estate sales in the hotel and hotel sector in Spain are growing
- Real estate sector in Murcia grew by 14%
- Real estate startups will bring Spain about $900 million in 2023
- Real estate subsidies in Spain: support for developers
- Real estate tokens: investments with many unknowns
- Real estate transactions in Aragon grew by 18% QoQ
- Real estate unemployment continues to decline: in October it fell by 14.4%
- Real estate with discounts in Oviedo and its surroundings
- Real estate «flipping» — earning money on market volatility
- Realtors predict 550,000 annual home sales between 2022 and 2025
- Reasons for the profitability growth of Spanish real estate in 2022
- Recommendations of Inmobiliarias: the best residential real estate offers in Valdovinho
- Record growth in prices and sales of real estate in Campo de Gibraltar
- Record investment in real estate in Spain: €9.87 billion for the first half of 2022
- Record number of succession transactions took place in Castellón
- Record prices and growth in sales of residential real estate in Madrid
- Registradores: the housing market in May is close to the pre-pandemic state
- Relatively cheap Spanish housing in 2023
- Renovation of housing increases its cost by 35%
- Rental housing scams in Spain are on the rise: Expert tips for protecting against scams
- Rental prices grow at the same rate as salary, while housing costs remain at 41%
- Rental rates set new historical highs in 18 provincial capitals, but major cities are still far from maximum indicators
- Renting a house or buying with a mortgage? Cities in Spain where a loan is cheaper than a rental
- Rents have reached record levels, and in Malaga and Barcelona have increased by more than 20%
- Resident foreigners. Do they have an upward effect on house prices?
- Residential investment rose by 40% in Q1 2022 and exceeded EUR 1 billion
- Residential property prices in Murcia rose by 4.54% in a year
- Residential real estate is a «safe haven» for investment
- Residential real estate prices in Aragon increased by 3.52% year-on-year
- Residential Real Estate Prices in Cordoba Can Fluctuate up to €1,000 per Square Meter Depending on the Municipality
- Residential real estate prices in Navarre increased by 6.05% over the year
- Residential rental investment exceeds EUR 530 million through March
- Residential sector of the Spanish coast revives in 2022: summer brings back foreigners, pushing sales to rise
- Return on investment remains profitable, although it has dropped to 7%
- Revival of the real estate sector in Burgas: what do analysts say?
- Reviving investment in the hotel business: more than 1 billion euros for the first half of the year
- Rising prices of commercial real estate, garage premises and industrial buildings in the Balearic Islands
- Roma Sports Association announces partnership with Idealista for technological development
- Rooms for sale: A new trend in the turbulent real estate market
- Russian citizens bought more than 1,280 houses in Spain in 2021
- Russians choose Valencia to buy real estate in Spain
- Russians no longer have interest in real estate in Spain
- S&P: due to falling prices, Spain will become the cheapest country to buy real estate in Europe by 2025
- Salamanca real estate companies look to 2022 with cautious optimism
- Salamanca's real estate market is enjoying its best month since the start of the “brick crisis”
- Salamanca's Residential Property Market Starts to Overheat
- Sales and purchases of companies in Spain fell by 9% in 2022
- Sales growth will increase by the end of the year
- Sales in Spain hit new record: 500,000 real estate transactions in 2021
- Sales of real estate in Spain are growing: owners are afraid of the new housing law
- Sales volume in the first quarter of 2021 reaches 12%
- San Sebastian is the most attractive city in terms of investing in real estate
- Sanjosé to build luxury houses for KKH and Mandarin Oriental on Paseo de Gracia in Barcelona
- Santa Cruz de Tenerife became the city with the largest increase in residential property prices in Spain in 2022
- Sarasin SP buys 148 units of subsidized turnkey housing in Madrid for 22 million euros
- Savills highlights the potential of Malaga and the Costa del Sol in the branded luxury residential real estate sector
- Scandinavian countries are keeping an eye on the coast of the region: Norwegian and Swedish investors are buying up houses in Spain
- Secondary housing is reliability and protection from inflation
- Self-Construction Mortgage: Financing the construction of your own house
- Sell property now or later?
- September best selling in Malaga broke 2007 records
- September return to offices revives Spain’s real estate market
- Seven reasons to invest in the real estate market of Valencia
- Seville City Council has expanded the affordable real estate fund
- Seville is a growing real estate market that is not going to slow down
- Seville's real estate potential grows after pandemic
- Seville, Barcelona and Madrid — the price per square meter
- Shelter during the crisis: with a 6% rise in rates, the number of real estate mortgages continues to grow
- Should I buy real estate in Spain at the end of the year?
- Should we expect a reduction in prices for apartments in Spain?
- Sierra Nevada is the most popular area of Granada among foreigners for buying a house in Spain
- Since 2023, Property Prices in Spain Will Begin to Slow Down Their Growth
- Singapore Public Investment Fund (GIC) doubles its assets in Spain’s logistics sector
- Six Most Expensive Houses in Catalonia in Search of an Owner
- Sixth Street enters the Spanish market
- Small towns in Spain: where foreigners prefer to buy housing most often
- Smart
- SOCIMI Spain: What is it and how do they work?
- Solana de Valdebebas — the new and most desired land plot in Madrid
- Solvia has begun selling over 300 parking spaces in Malaga at an average price of around 7,600 euros
- Sometimes real estate is a luxury for single people in Spain
- Sotheby's looks forward to a record year in Spain and new discoveries
- Spain 2050 plan: reduce to 4.5% the population suffering from overpayments for housing
- Spain and India are countries which have managed to avoid rising house prices
- Spain has adopted the first real estate law
- Spain has become one of the most popular countries in Europe for real estate investment
- Spain has become the third most popular choice among the richest buyers of residential real estate
- Spain has decided that a «tax on large fortunes» will be levied on houses owned by non-resident foreigners
- Spain has found a way to settle debts between immigrants and tenants
- Spain has overtaken the UK as the preferred destination for real estate investment in Europe
- Spain intends to become a key logistics center of Europe
- Spain is a trendy leader in property tourism
- Spain is a world leader in the implementation of cryptotechnology in the real estate sector
- Spain is an attractive real estate investment country
- Spain is in short supply: 100,000 new homes are missing annually
- Spain is recognized as the most attractive country for real estate investment
- Spain is the country with the largest number of properties available for purchase with cryptocurrencies
- Spain is the fourth most attractive country in the world for purchasing real estate
- Spain meets Pacaso, an American real estate platform
- Spain needs 1.2 million new development projects for the rental market
- Spain needs to build 1,100 nursing homes for at least 130,000 people by 2035
- Spain needs €250,000,000,000 of investment in order to meet demand for rental accommodation
- Spain ranks 45th in the international ranking of residential real estate price growth
- Spain to get 86,000 square meters of new space for shopping malls in 2023
- Spain will enter the top 5 countries for real estate investments in 2022 with a volume of 7.5 billion euros
- Spain's first municipal
- Spain's housing market is depleted: a shortage of apartments threatens the future of the sector in 2023
- Spain's housing sector is optimistic about 2022
- Spain's housing stock began to grow again, but partially
- Spain's housing stock sales dropped by 7% after two years of pandemic
- Spain's international housing demand up 30% in 2022
- Spain's logistics real estate market has reached record levels in attracting investment
- Spain's logistics real property sector could attract €2 billion in investment in 2022
- Spain's luxury real estate market continues to grow - 55% in 2022
- Spain's luxury real estate market will not suffer from a possible recession
- Spain's provinces with the highest and lowest growth in the subsidized housing segment in 2022
- Spain's residential real estate market to slow down due to inflation and rate hikes
- Spain’s housing price rise exceeds salary growth by almost 20%
- Spain’s most expensive and luxurious areas
- Spain’s property market sees a drop in home prices
- Spain’s Proptech sector grows 8% year over year
- Spain’s real estate industry employs more people than ever before
- Spaniards choose Turkey to invest in real estate at home
- Spanish banks are ready to sell apartments in their property at a price of less than 10,000 euros
- Spanish cities with the best quality of life — TOP-15 according to OCU
- Spanish city with the best quality of life
- Spanish hotel sector benefits after restrictions imposed
- Spanish housing sales increase by 4.5% and housing prices increase by 4% in 2022
- Spanish Mallorca is approaching the first place in Europe in popularity among buyers of second homes
- Spanish Ministry of Industry is preparing a decree on foreign investment
- Spanish mortgage market sees record growth amid overall property market recovery
- Spanish municipalities with the highest demand for buying and renting housing
- Spanish President Pedro Sánchez announced an additional € 100 million to mitigate the impact of higher electricity tariffs
- Spanish real estate leads the growth in Europe due to logistics and rental housing
- Spanish real estate market participants join with Latin American companies to attract investment
- Spanish real estate sector strengthens its positive trend for the third consecutive month
- Spanish secondary market housing prices
- Split payment, or How to become the owner of a house for €1.4 million with €175,000
- Squatter lawlessness: how residential property in Spain is cheaper by 30%
- Squatting in Spain: news and data
- Start of new construction projects in Torrevieja
- Startups revolutionizing the real estate sector
- Sueca takes third place as the most expensive housing in Spain
- Summer slows expected fall in house prices in Spain by an average of 7%
- Supply of inherited property increased by almost 20% due to the pandemic
- Sustainable modular homes: meet Kineki lifestyle
- Switching to a new speed: investment company Grupo Lar has started work on the construction of 550 new houses
- Ten cheapest cities in Spain where you can buy housing
- Ten Steps to Consider Before Taking a Mortgage Loan
- The
- The "invisible revolution" in Madrid's urban planning has led to the creation of almost 200,000 new homes
- The abolition of
- The amount of the annual salary for the successful payment of the mortgage
- The analysis of Spain's most impressive premium penthouses by Molins Design
- The authorities of the Balearic Islands are considering the possibility of restricting the purchase of housing by foreigners
- The average age of property buyers in Spain
- The Average Cost of New Developments in the Balearic Islands Increased by 8.2%
- The average housing price in Seville has increased by 7.7% over the past year
- The average period of property ownership in Spain has almost reached 17 years — a new record
- The average price for new apartments in Spain has increased to EUR 324,000
- The average price of the most expensive houses exceeds EUR 400,000 in the Balearic Islands, Madrid, Gipuzkoa, Malaga and Barcelona
- The average time for the sale of real estate in Spain is about 32 weeks
- The Balearic Islands propose to «limit the purchase of real estate for foreigners» in the región
- The Balearic Islands reached a record level of prices for secondary housing – EUR 3,355/m2 in December
- The Balearic Islands reported the highest growth in rental rates in the country in annual terms - 19.42%
- The Balearic Islands showed the second largest price increase in the secondary market in Spain — 7.6% in YoY terms
- The Balearic Islands, Madrid and the Basque Country lead in the growth of housing prices from January to June
- The Bank of Spain indicates that it makes sure that banks do not issue mortgages too cheaply
- The Bank of Spain warns of an increase in real estate prices due to a proposal deficit
- The best areas of Seville for May 2022 for buying and investing in residential real estate
- The best cities to live in Spain, or how Madrid and Barcelona did not find a place in the ranking
- The best month to buy profitable real estate
- The best neighborhoods and neighborhoods in Valencia for buying a home
- The best places in the world to buy a house by the sea are in Spain
- The best prefabricated house companies in Madrid, Barcelona and Andalusia
- The best tourist regions of Spain for investment
- The biggest housing shortage in Spain
- The British are returning to the Spanish real estate market due to the weakening of COVID-19
- The Canary Islands are back in the developers' field of view: 2,800 new houses are under construction
- The Canary Islands are the leaders in the sales of mini-houses and the volume of speculation with residential real estate
- The Canary Islands continue to lead in terms of home sales in Spain
- The cheapest areas in Spain to buy a home
- The cheapest areas in Spain to buy a home until the end of 2022
- The Chinese real estate crisis and its impact on international markets
- The City Council of Jerez gave the
- The city of Torrejon de Ardoz is the place where the price of residential real estate has risen the most
- The coming downturn in real estate: sales will decrease by 15%, and prices — by 5%
- The correction in the real estate market has begun: spanish housing prices may fall by 5% in 2 years
- The cost of buying a house in Ciudad Vieja - the richest area of A Coruña
- The cost of elite housing in Valencia
- The cost of re-equipment and renovation of a home in Gipuzkoa
- The cost of renting in Malaga and Marbella has increased by more than 20% and has become one of the most expensive in Spain
- The cost of residential real estate in the secondary market of Talavera is close to 800 euros per square meter
- The cost of the most expensive house in Vigo is reduced by 1,200,000 euros
- The cost per square meter of housing in Spain
- The current euro-dollar exchange rate allowed foreigners to buy residential real estate in Spain for 18% cheaper
- The demand for booking holiday homes in the Costa del Sol soared by 200%
- The demand for investment property is growing again in Spain
- The demand for luxury housing in Spain is growing due to the climate, “golden” visas and brick construction
- The demand for new buildings is growing! Advantages and disadvantages of investing in a primary home in Spain
- The demand for office space in Spain focuses on the quality, not the price of offers
- The demand for secondary housing in Spain continues to grow
- The depreciation of the euro makes housing real estate more available for Americans, but puts pressure on big investors
- The end of «Golden visas» in the EU: The European Parliament voted to abolish simplified visa regimes for the super-rich people
- The excitement in the real estate market of Malaga has peaked, and prices have set a new growth record for the year — 13.5%
- The final indicators of the growth of prices for residential real estate in Salamanca for 2022
- The financial sector predicts a drop in mortgage loans by 11%-15% in 2023
- The first half of 2021 overtook the indicators of 2019 in the number of deprivations of property rights
- The first signs of a turnaround in the real estate sector
- The French account for 50% of luxury real estate purchases in Costa Brava
- The furniture retail market grew by 18% in 2022, reaching 3.3 billion euros
- The future of crypto mortgages
- The future of the Spanish real estate market — new challenges for sellers
- The Government of Castile-La Mancha has allocated 24.3 million euros for the renovation of housing to improve its energy efficiency
- The Government of Spain to adopt a new housing law in January
- The government will allocate 5.52 billion for housing repairs
- The growth of interest rates on lending is beginning to affect the Spanish real estate market
- The growth of real estate prices in Spain is slowing down
- The growth of residential real estate prices in Madrid and Barcelona is slowing down
- The growth of social development in Barcelona scares away real estate investors
- The growth of Spain's real estate market
- The growth rate of residential property sales in Murcia was half the national average
- The hotel sector is the third-largest real estate sector in Spain in attracted investments
- The hotel sector of the Spanish real estate market slows down amid rising interest rates
- The imbalance of supply and demand in the Spanish real estate market will continue to drive up house prices
- The impact of inflation on the real estate market in Spain
- The Largest Number of Real Estate Sales in Spain Came From the Provinces of Malaga, Alicante, and Almeria
- The largest «flexible» residential complex in Spain has appeared in Madrid, which will help young people with real estate
- The last apartments are for sale in Benidorm Beach, the fifth-tallest skyscraper in Benidorm
- The logistics sector of the Spanish real estate market will grow in 2023, despite the decline in the e-commerce sector
- The luxury housing market in Spain is still growing: what are the reasons?
- The luxury of living in a penthouse: housing that is unique and usually costs almost 40% higher than an apartment
- The main reasons for the reduction of supply in the rental real estate market
- The Mayor of Barcelona gave the green light to the creation of Spain's first eco-district on 185,000 square meters
- The mayor of Madrid said that over the past year the number of social housing in the city has increased by 41%
- The most attractive cities in Seville for residential investments
- The most eco-friendly house in Europe is located in Barcelona: its design is hermetic, and the cost reaches 400,000 euros
- The most expensive and cheapest areas of Spain to buy a house in 2023
- The most expensive and cheapest cities for co-living in apartments
- The most expensive and cheapest streets in Spain to buy an apartment
- The most expensive and most sought-after places in Spain to buy and rent out property
- The most expensive and popular places to buy and rent real estate in 2022 in Spain
- The most expensive cities to purchase housing in Spain
- The most expensive districts in Galicia to buy a property
- The Most Expensive Land Plot in Spain is Located in Galicia: How Much Does it Cost?
- The most expensive parking in Cadiz for 138,000 euros
- The most expensive penthouse in Spain: it will cost 40 million euros and is located in Barcelona
- The most expensive streets in Spain to buy a house
- The most expensive streets to purchase residential property in Spain
- The most impressive and unknown places in Spain
- The most popular autonomous communities in Spain for real estate purchases by foreigners
- The Most Popular Beaches in Spain for Buying and Renting Property
- The Most Profitable Regions in Spain to Invest in Real Estate in 2022
- The most sought-after real estate in Alicante has been named
- The Municipality of Santa Olalla eradicates illegal occupation of housing – "squatting"
- The neighbourhood with the most expensive and premium housing not only in Spain, but in the whole Europe
- The new buildings of Palma are dominated by luxury houses
- The new elite residential project in La Moraleja: 188 houses and 18,000 square meters of green and communal areas
- The number of apartments sold in L'Hospitalet and Baix Llobregat grows as prices rise
- The number of donations for properties and its inheritance is growing after record figures in 2021
- The number of landlords who have decided to insure against cases of non-payment of rent by tenants is growing
- The number of millionaires in Spain to grow by almost 60% in five years
- The number of notarized housing sales contracts increased by 21.1% in the first quarter of 2022
- The number of rental housing in Catalonia has dropped over the past year
- The offers on the office market in Madrid and Barcelona grow rapidly
- The only provincial capital in Spain where house prices fell in 2022
- The pandemic motivated Spaniards to spend more on real estate repairs: 70% are willing to pay from 1,000 to 15,000 euros
- The pandemic reduces prices in Madrid and Barcelona and raises them in cities with an average population
- The pandemic rekindles interest in real estate outside the large centers of Burgos
- The pandemic revives interest in real estate outside the major centers of Burgos
- The peak indicators of the Spanish real estate market: housing prices and rents
- The price of luxury housing will rise in Madrid and Barcelona this year
- The price of real estate is rising, while rental prices are falling
- The price of secondary market housing in Aragon fell to 1,360 euros per square meter
- The price of Spanish new buildings hits an all-time high
- The price per square meter in Navarre is set at €1,911, which is the fifth indicator in Spain
- The price per square meter of real estate in the Balearic Islands has reached 3,132 euros
- The prices of apartments for sale in Madrid rise by 9% in January 2023
- The professionalism of the Spanish sector is a guarantee for real estate investors
- The profit of the Spanish real estate company Colonial increased by 5% in Q1
- The Protech sector is strengthening its position in Spain: more than 550 companies are already operating on the market
- The purchase price of residential real estate in Burgas is falling amid rising rental rates
- The rapid growth of housing sales to foreigners in the Canary Islands
- The Rate of Apartment Sales in L'Hospitalet and Bajo Llobregat Soared to the Rate of Price Rising
- The real estate delight: Spain sells more second-hand residential units than during the 2008 bubble
- The real estate industry in Spain predicts an increase in the cost of construction by 8%
- The real estate market has dropped pessimism: new forecasts for 2023 are more optimistic than before
- The real estate market is already surpassing before-pandemic indicators: more sales and more mortgages
- The real estate market is starting to slow down - what price drop can we expect in 2023?
- The real estate market of Benaavis remains one of the most expensive in Spain
- The real estate sector ended 2022 with a record investment volume of 17.5 billion euros
- The real estate sector is preparing for the inevitable fall in house prices in Spain
- The real estate sector offers opportunities for cooperation between business and the state to the new government of Barcelona
- The real estate sector recovers from the pandemic. Is it time to buy?
- The real estate sector registers 196 transactions through May and leads the transaction market in Spain
- The real estate sector stands firm in the face of possible crises
- The Rebuild techno fair in Madrid reaches a record high of 17,344 visitors per week
- The recipe for a successful sale of real estate in a difficult market
- The required amount of savings for the purchase of an apartment in 2022
- The residential real estate market for older people needs fresh investments
- The residential sector has become the most in-demand destination for investment in Spain in 2021
- The residential sector leads Spanish real estate market with investments of EUR 2,800,000
- The rise in mortgage lending rates does not weaken the demand for residential real estate in Jerez: the shortage of houses persists
- The secondary market of Spain accounts for 13% of all sales in the country: the coast and the province are in the spotlight
- The secondary residential real estate market starts the year with a drop of 0.3% in January
- The SEVILLA 2000 real estate agency has become the most successful in Andalusia and the third in terms of recommendations in Spain
- The situation with residential real estate prices in large cities with the lowest and highest levels of burglary
- The Soria real estate market is in recovery, although a noticeable slowdown is expected in the next two years
- The Spanish economy will surpass the average European growth rates in 2023
- The Spanish housing market is going really strong with promises of high demand and returns for investors
- The Spanish property market in 2023: How to find the perfect property offer?
- The Spanish real estate market has registered the highest volume of property sales since the financial crisis of 2008
- The Spanish real estate market is expected to slow down, while residential property prices will grow by 5% in 2023
- The Spanish spend 32 billion euros a year on electricity because of poorly designed houses
- The stagflation of 2023 will not weaken investments in the Spanish tourism sector
- The state analogue of «Google Maps»: prices, rental rates and the location of housing in just a couple of clicks
- The state of the luxury real estate sector: recession and recovery after the pandemic
- The supply of real estate for the elderly is growing
- The University of Barcelona sells student residence for EUR 19,000,000
- The volume of investments in the Spanish real estate sector increased by 155% over the year
- The volume of purchases of Spanish residential property by foreigners increased by 44% over the year
- The volume of sales of residential real estate in Spain exceeded the mark of 600,000 units — the best result since 2007
- The volume of tenders for public housing has increased in Spain
- The weakened euro pushes the volume of real estate sales abroad to a historic high
- The withdrawal of Europeans from the Spanish real estate market will painfully hit the premium real estate sector
- The year of «Co» in real estate: cohabitation, cohabitation and co-ownership
- The «explosion» of foreign demand in the real estate market of the Canary Islands is alarming the authorities
- There are 13 small towns in Malaga where you can buy a house at a price of less than 1000 euros per m2
- There are 2,046 unsold new houses in Palencia
- There are about 90 properties for sale in the center of Sevilla
- There are already more vacant housing in Ourense than in Vigo and La Coruna
- There are no signs of bubble in the Spanish residential real estate market, but other risks are visible on the horizon
- There is a shortage of new construction in Spain
- There is still a lot of housing for sale in Denmark, and a square meter of area has risen in price by 22 over the year%
- Three municipalities in Ibiza have the most expensive secondary property prices in the Balearic Islands
- To buy a house in Gipuzkoa will cost 7 times more than in
- Top 5 most luxurious and expensive houses in Spain
- Tourism and foreign investment contribute to the growth of housing prices in Spain
- TPG Real Estate and Urbania buy Spanish student property pool
- Treasury of Spain Seeks About €590,000,000 from 294 Galician Debtor Companies
- Turning to a crisis: Fewer houses for sale in Castile and León, prices fall and the market cools
- Two nationalities that have become the largest buyers of luxury real estate in Spain
- Two solutions for the quick sale of properties
- Two-room apartments, the most expensive over the past year, have risen in price by 21.1%
- Two-thirds of the Spanish are willing to pay more for an eco-friendly home
- Typical purchase of a house in Spain: area from 60 to 90 sq.m, cheaper than 150 thousand euros
- Unicaja Bank offers houses for purchase starting from 20,000 euros
- Unprecedented real estate in Asturias: apartments in Oviedo are cheaper than a car
- Up to 40% of real estate transactions for foreigners in Spain were in Alicante
- Up to 59% of companies from the real estate sector in Spain predict that rental rates will continue to rise
- Up to 80% of housing sales in Ourense in 2022 accounted for secondary market offers
- Up to 9 squatting dwellings appear in Spain every day: at the moment there are already more than 120,000
- Up to what age is it allowed to take out a mortgage loan in Spain?
- Urbanitae finances 13 real estate projects worth € 12.5 million
- Val Mignor is leading in holiday apartments restoration in Galicia
- Valencia is Spain's leader in housing sales per capita
- Valencia is the leader in mortgage lending growth in Spain
- Valencia succumbed to the influence of coworking and took third place in the country in the number of
- Valencian Real Estate Market to Hold Its Own Despite Rising Interest Rates
- Valencia’s best residential districts and neighborhoods for buying a home
- Valencia’s real estate market gains momentum
- VGP buys 35,000 square meters of logistics land in Barcelona
- Vía Ágora has acquired land from Reyal Urbis in Madrid-Rio, where 70 houses will be built
- Vigo residential real estate market is recovering, and sales are growing
- Villa prices in the Balearic Islands, the most exclusive archipelago of the Mediterranean
- Visa restrictions for Russian nationals: another challenge for the Spanish economy
- Warren Buffett chooses Spain to build a residential complex with luxury villas
- Warren Buffett has put up for sale 1,200 houses in Spain
- What are Passivhaus houses in Spain and why are they being built more often?
- What are the benefits of selling real estate?
- What awaits the real estate market in 2022: there will be more sales, prices will be higher
- What benefits will European funds bring to the real estate sector?
- What experts expect from real estate investments in 2022
- What factors will negatively affect the sales of residential buildings in Spain at the end of 2022?
- What investors are buying in the face of a possible recession?
- What is a
- What is a «mixed mortgage», and why is it becoming so popular in Spain?
- What is «cohousing»? The model of joint housing construction to which the Government is committed
- What was the average increase in prices for new housing in Spain in 2022?
- What will be the real estate market in Spain in 2022?
- What will happen to residential real estate prices in 2022?
- Where are flat prices in Zaragoza heading after another fall in sales?
- Where are the most expensive houses in the province of Alicante?
- Where do the richest Spaniards invest?
- Where is the most expensive property in Spain?
- Where to invest in the Spanish property market in 2023
- Which autonomous communities offer the best rental income?
- Which cities in Spain are the most profitable to invest in real estate?
- Who can count on a 100% mortgage loan in Spain?
- Who is the main buyer of residential real estate in Valencia?
- Who leads the sales market in the Balearic Islands?
- Who sells a lot of real estate on the Costa del Sol?
- Why has Spanish real estate become so popular among American buyers?
- Why is it so difficult to get mortgage in summer?
- Why is Madrid a good place to invest in real estate?
- Why is new housing still a success in Spain, despite significant price increases?
- Why Malaga is a «fashionable» city for the real estate sector?
- Why prices are falling: an example of a Spanish city with one of the largest declines in housing prices in 2022
- Why Zaragoza is one of the best cities to invest in residential real estate?
- Will the Housing First program put an end to homelessness?
- Will the increase in taxes in Spain affect foreigners?
- Working holidays, the new concept that drives up the prices of luxury homes in Europe
- Zamora is the province of Castilla y León with the lowest price for rental housing
- Zaragoza ranks second in Spain in quality of life
- Online mortgage in Spain
- «Brickbro»: more than 40% of squatting of commercial premises in Spain are in the community of Catalonia
- «Emotional defects» at home: why is it necessary to know about it?
- “House of the future” Cyberhut in Spain
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- Five-room apartments in Spain
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- Four-room apartments in Spain
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- Six-room apartments in Spain
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- Three-room apartments in Spain
- Two-bedroom apartments in Spain
- Two-room apartments in Spain
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- Apartments (flats) in developments in Spain completed in 2021
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- Apartments in developments in Spain from real estate agencies
- Apartments in developments in Spain from € 100,000
- Apartments in developments in Spain from € 150,000
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- Apartments in developments in Spain with a pool
- Apartments in developments in Spain with a terrace
- Apartments in developments in Spain with an elevator
- Apartments in developments in Spain with parking
- Apartments in developments in Spain with the sea view
- Apartments in off-plan in Spain
- Cheap apartments in developments in Spain
- Five-bedroom apartments in developments in Spain
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- Four-room apartments in developments in Spain
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- Luxury apartments in developments in Spain
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- One-bedroom apartments in developments in Spain
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- Three-room apartments in developments in Spain
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- Two-room apartments in developments in Spain
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- Five-room houses in Spain
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- Four-room houses in Spain
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- Three-floor houses in Spain
- Three-room houses in Spain
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- Two-floor houses in Spain
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- Apartments and flats in Catalonia
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- New apartments in Catalonia
- New developments in Catalonia
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- Apartments (flats) in Barcelona
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- Apartments in Barcelona from € 100,000
- Apartments in Barcelona from € 150,000
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- Apartments in Barcelona with a pool
- Apartments in Barcelona with a terrace
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- Five-room apartments in Barcelona
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- Four-room apartments in Barcelona
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- Three-room apartments in Barcelona
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- Commercial property in Barcelona from € 150,000
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- Commercial property in the centre of Barcelona
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- Five-bedroom houses in Barcelona
- Four-bedroom houses in Barcelona
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- Houses in Barcelona with a pool
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- Houses in Barcelona with an elevator
- Houses in Barcelona with parking
- Houses in Barcelona with the sea view
- Houses in the centre of Barcelona
- Luxury houses in Barcelona
- Resale houses in Barcelona
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- Luxury property in Barcelona
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- Apartments in developments in Barcelona from € 100,000
- Apartments in developments in Barcelona from € 150,000
- Apartments in developments in Barcelona with a balcony
- Apartments in developments in Barcelona with a pool
- Apartments in developments in Barcelona with a terrace
- Apartments in developments in Barcelona with an elevator
- Apartments in developments in Barcelona with the sea view
- Apartments in developments in the centre of Barcelona
- Four-bedroom apartments in developments in Barcelona
- Luxury apartments in developments in Barcelona
- Move-in ready apartments in Barcelona
- One-bedroom apartments in developments in Barcelona
- Studio apartments in developments in Barcelona
- Three-bedroom apartments in developments in Barcelona
- Two-bedroom apartments in developments in Barcelona
- Two-room apartments in developments in Barcelona
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- Villas in Barcelona with a terrace
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- Villas in the centre of Barcelona
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- Apartments in Alicante from € 100,000
- Apartments in Alicante from € 150,000
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- Apartments in Alicante with a pool
- Apartments in Alicante with a terrace
- Apartments in Alicante with an elevator
- Apartments in Alicante with the sea view
- Apartments in the centre of Alicante
- Cheap apartments in Alicante
- Five-bedroom apartments in Alicante
- Four-bedroom apartments in Alicante
- Four-room apartments in Alicante
- Furnished apartments in Alicante
- Luxury apartments in Alicante
- One-bedroom apartments in Alicante
- Resale apartments in Alicante
- Seven-bedroom apartments in Alicante
- Six-bedroom apartments in Alicante
- Six-room apartments in Alicante
- Studio apartments in Alicante
- Three-bedroom apartments in Alicante
- Three-room apartments in Alicante
- Two-bedroom apartments in Alicante
- Cheap property in Alicante
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- Cheap commercial property in Alicante
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- Commercial property in Alicante from € 100,000
- Commercial property in Alicante from € 150,000
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- Resale commercial property in Alicante
- Duplexes in Alicante
- Houses in Alicante
- Four-bedroom houses in Alicante
- Houses in Alicante from real estate agencies
- Houses in Alicante from € 100,000
- Houses in Alicante from € 150,000
- Houses in Alicante with a pool
- Houses in Alicante with a terrace
- Houses in Alicante with the sea view
- Luxury houses in Alicante
- Resale houses in Alicante
- Three-bedroom houses in Alicante
- Two-bedroom houses in Alicante
- Two-floor houses in Alicante
- Land plots in Alicante
- Luxury property in Alicante
- New apartments in Alicante
- Apartments in developments in Alicante by the sea
- Apartments in developments in Alicante from real estate agencies
- Apartments in developments in Alicante from € 100,000
- Apartments in developments in Alicante from € 150,000
- Apartments in developments in Alicante with a pool
- Apartments in developments in Alicante with a terrace
- Apartments in developments in Alicante with an elevator
- Apartments in developments in Alicante with the sea view
- Apartments in developments in the centre of Alicante
- Four-bedroom apartments in developments in Alicante
- Four-room apartments in developments in Alicante
- Luxury apartments in developments in Alicante
- One-bedroom apartments in developments in Alicante
- Three-bedroom apartments in developments in Alicante
- Three-room apartments in developments in Alicante
- Two-bedroom apartments in developments in Alicante
- New developments in Alicante
- Off-plan apartments in Alicante
- Penthouses in Alicante
- Property in Alicante by the sea
- Property in Alicante from real estate agencies
- Property in Alicante from € 100,000
- Property in Alicante from € 150,000
- Property in Alicante on the front line
- Property in Alicante with the sea view
- Property in the centre of Alicante
- Resale property in Alicante
- Townhouses in Alicante
- Five-bedroom townhouses in Alicante
- Four-bedroom townhouses in Alicante
- Four-floor townhouses in Alicante
- Four-room townhouses in Alicante
- Furnished townhouses in Alicante
- Luxury townhouses in Alicante
- Resale townhouses in Alicante
- Three-bedroom townhouses in Alicante
- Townhouses in Alicante from real estate agencies
- Townhouses in Alicante from € 100,000
- Townhouses in Alicante from € 150,000
- Townhouses in Alicante on the front line
- Townhouses in Alicante with a pool
- Townhouses in Alicante with a terrace
- Townhouses in Alicante with an elevator
- Townhouses in Alicante with the sea view
- Two-bedroom townhouses in Alicante
- Two-floor townhouses in Alicante
- Villas in Alicante
- Five-bedroom villas in Alicante
- Four-bedroom villas in Alicante
- Four-floor villas in Alicante
- Luxury villas in Alicante
- Resale villas in Alicante
- Three-bedroom villas in Alicante
- Three-floor villas in Alicante
- Two-bedroom villas in Alicante
- Two-floor villas in Alicante
- Villas in Alicante by the sea
- Villas in Alicante from real estate agencies
- Villas in Alicante from € 100,000
- Villas in Alicante from € 150,000
- Villas in Alicante with a pool
- Villas in Alicante with a terrace
- Villas in Alicante with the sea view
- Apartments (flats) in Alicante
- Property in Benidorm
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- Property in Playa Flamenca II
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- Property in Villajoyosa
- Townhouses in Costa Blanca
- Villas in Costa Blanca
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- Property in Costa del Sol
- Apartments and flats in Costa del Sol
- Commercial property in Costa del Sol
- Duplexes in Costa del Sol
- Houses in Costa del Sol
- Land plots in Costa del Sol
- New apartments in Costa del Sol
- Off-plan apartments in Costa del Sol
- Penthouses in Costa del Sol
- Property in Benalmadena
- Property in Estepona
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- Property in Torremolinos
- Townhouses in Costa del Sol
- Villas in Costa del Sol
- Property in Costa Dorada
- Property in Galicia
- Property in Gandia
- Property in Madrid
- Apartments and flats in Madrid
- Apartments in Madrid from real estate agencies
- Apartments in Madrid from € 100,000
- Apartments in Madrid from € 150,000
- Apartments in Madrid with a pool
- Apartments in Madrid with a terrace
- Apartments in Madrid with an elevator
- Apartments in the centre of Madrid
- Cheap apartments in Madrid
- Five-bedroom apartments in Madrid
- Four-bedroom apartments in Madrid
- Furnished apartments in Madrid
- Luxury apartments in Madrid
- One-bedroom apartments in Madrid
- Resale apartments in Madrid
- Studio apartments in Madrid
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- Penthouses in Madrid from € 150,000
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- Penthouses in Madrid with a terrace
- Penthouses in Madrid with an elevator
- Penthouses in the centre of Madrid
- Resale penthouses in Madrid
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- Property in Madrid from € 100,000
- Property in Madrid from € 150,000
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- Four-bedroom townhouses in Madrid
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- Townhouses in Madrid from € 100,000
- Townhouses in Madrid from € 150,000
- Townhouses in Madrid with a pool
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- Four-bedroom villas in Madrid
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- Villas in Madrid from € 100,000
- Villas in Madrid from € 150,000
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- Four-room apartments in Valencia
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- Apartments in developments in Valencia from real estate agencies
- Apartments in developments in Valencia from € 100,000
- Apartments in developments in Valencia from € 150,000
- Apartments in developments in Valencia with a pool
- Apartments in developments in Valencia with a terrace
- Apartments in developments in Valencia with the sea view
- Apartments in off-plan in Valencia
- Cheap apartments in developments in Valencia
- Five-bedroom apartments in developments in Valencia
- Four-bedroom apartments in developments in Valencia
- Luxury apartments in developments in Valencia
- One-bedroom apartments in developments in Valencia
- Three-bedroom apartments in developments in Valencia
- Two-bedroom apartments in developments in Valencia
- New developments in Valencia
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- Property in Valencia from € 100,000
- Property in Valencia from € 150,000
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- Resale property in Valencia
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- Cheap villas in Valencia
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- Four-bedroom villas in Valencia
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- Luxury villas in Valencia
- Resale villas in Valencia
- Three-bedroom villas in Valencia
- Two-bedroom villas in Valencia
- Villas in the centre of Valencia
- Villas in Valencia by the sea
- Villas in Valencia from real estate agencies
- Villas in Valencia from € 100,000
- Villas in Valencia from € 150,000
- Villas in Valencia with a pool
- Villas in Valencia with a terrace
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- Cheap townhouses in Spain
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- Four-room townhouses in Spain
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- Luxury townhouses in Spain
- One-bedroom townhouses in Spain
- Resale townhouses in Spain
- Three-bedroom townhouses in Spain
- Three-floor townhouses in Spain
- Townhouses in Spain by the sea
- Townhouses in Spain from real estate agencies
- Townhouses in Spain from € 100,000
- Townhouses in Spain from € 150,000
- Townhouses in Spain on the front line
- Townhouses in Spain on the second line
- Townhouses in Spain with a balcony
- Townhouses in Spain with a pool
- Townhouses in Spain with a terrace
- Townhouses in Spain with an elevator
- Townhouses in Spain with parking
- Townhouses in Spain with the sea view
- Two-bedroom townhouses in Spain
- Two-floor townhouses in Spain
- Villas in Spain
- Cheap villas in Spain
- Five-bedroom villas in Spain
- Five-room villas in Spain
- Four-bedroom villas in Spain
- Four-floor villas in Spain
- Four-room villas in Spain
- Furnished villas in Spain
- Luxury villas in Spain
- One-bedroom villas in Spain
- One-floor villas in Spain
- Resale villas in Spain
- Three-bedroom villas in Spain
- Three-floor villas in Spain
- Three-room villas in Spain
- Two-bedroom villas in Spain
- Two-floor villas in Spain
- Villas in Spain by the sea
- Villas in Spain from real estate agencies
- Villas in Spain from € 100,000
- Villas in Spain from € 150,000
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- Villas in Spain on the second line
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- Villas in Spain with a pool
- Villas in Spain with a terrace
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- Villas in Spain with parking
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