

GARMORÉ is an Asturian company, located in Gijón, which for more than 50 years has specialized in the construction, promotion and sale of all types of top quality properties. The origins of our company date back to April 14, 1955, the date on which Mr. Avelino García Moré and his sons decided to found a company dedicated to the construction and sale of homes. Precisely, the name of the firm comes from the union of the two surnames of the founding partner: GARCÍA – MORÉ. In 1987, the company underwent its first important change and after many years of activity it passed into the hands of the grandchildren of Mr. Avelino García, current owners of the business. After this date, GARMORÉ focuses its activity on construction and promotion in the west of Gijón and on the construction and rental of various industrial buildings in Porceyo, Gijón. As of today, GARMORÉ has built more than 2,700 homes and exceeds 14,000m² of built-up industrial buildings.

C. Marqués de San Esteban, 4, 33206 Gijón, Asturias, Spain
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