Commercial property in Spain

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Commercial property for sale in Spain

After the 2020 pandemic there appeared a huge number of bars, restaurants, hotels, parking lots, offices and various retail space in the real estate market due to the bankruptcy of owners who could not stand the restrictive measures adopted by the Spanish government. Therefore, now is the time to buy commercial property in Spain, as prices have dropped, and the owners have become more accommodating, willingly make concessions in price.

Moreover, Spain-Real.Estate aggregator would like to draw your attention to the fact that when buying commercial real estate over 501 thousand euros, you get the same right for the whole family to obtain a “golden” visa as when buying residential real estate, which will allow you to have a Spanish residence permit for the whole family and free movement throughout Europe.

With a well-thought-out investment policy of the Spanish government and a high return on investment, investing money in a Spanish business will bring you constant, stable income and European documents.

Buy a ready business in Spain

Commercial real estate in Spain is replete with offers worth up to 500 thousand euros, but objects that are more expensive than this amount are more profitable to acquire, since you can get a residence permit for investments.

For the purchase of offices and retail facilities, it is better to choose Madrid and Barcelona, ​​for investments in hotels and housing for rent – tourist resorts (Marbella, Palma de Mallorca and others). The most expensive markets are Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Costa Brava and Costa del Sol, while cheaper deals are to be found on the Costa Blanca and Costa Dorada.

Commercial property prices in Spain

Commercial property prices in Spain depend on many factors. If you wish, you can buy a cafe or restaurant relatively inexpensive, however, it is unlikely that it will be located in places with a large crowd of tourists. The cost of objects in passages is much higher, but they can bring more interesting profits. In any case, such an acquisition is very attractive: prices will only rise in the long term, and the laws of this country create favorable conditions for doing business, including in the field of taxation. Commercial real estate in Spain is in great demand among foreigners. There are many Chinese and Russian investors. Since this is a resort country, hotels are most often bought. There is also interest in shops and apartments for rent. Russians prefer to buy a ready-made business in the country, rather than start their own business from scratch.

Most often, private investors invest amounts up to 500 thousand euros. If the buyer plans to obtain a residence permit, then the investment amount must be at least 2 million euros.

Like the residential real estate market, prices for commercial options are determined by a number of factors, the main ones are the following:

  • its type (cafe, hotel, beauty salon, and so on);
  • region of Spain and specific location (passability of the place, distance from the sea, and so on);
  • current state of the real estate itself and the business as a whole;
  • need for investments and their type - capital, operational;
  • business profitability (real and potential);
  • legal factors (is there a deposit, how many owners, and so on).

Commercial property investment in Spain

Commercial real estate in Spain can be an interesting investment option for foreigners if you intend to open your own business in this country or invest profitably in someone else's business. To date, a variety of objects are on sale. The most interesting options are those related to the tourist infrastructure. Since the country is visited by a huge number of tourists every year, such a purchase can be very profitable.

We will help you buy commercial property in Spain

Buying real estate for doing business in Spain, or a ready-made working option, is always a long process. It is necessary to assess all factors, the level of profitability and risks, make the best choice, and find a reputable real estate agency in Spain. In addition to buying, you can also consider options for renting ready-made businesses, such offers are not rare. If you know approximately how much money you want to invest and what to get at the end, please contact Spain-Real.Estate aggregator. Our managers for commercial objects work in different regions of Spain with banks and lawyers, and are always ready to offer a selection of interesting options for the needs of each client