Catalonia is the region with the largest number of «smart houses» in Spain

Catalonia is the region with the largest number of «smart houses» in Spain

In recent years, Google Home, Alexa and Siri have helped make Spanish homes more manageable. According to a study by Aedas Homes, the level of digitalization of houses in Catalonia is 3.8 points out of 10, which is the highest in the country and exceeds the national average by two tenths.

Catalans rate the use of voice assistants such as Alexa, Siri or Google Home by 3.4 points, they rate the use of robot vacuum cleaners by 4.5 points. 10.9% say they have a smart lock at home, and 26.6% are in WhatsApp groups with neighbors.

The growth of remote work can play an important role in the digitalization of houses, as seen in Catalonia, where 29% work remotely.

«In particular, their digitalization rate is 4.2 out of 10 compared to 3.5 in houses where none of the residents work remotely», explains Jorge Valero, director of applications and data at Aedas Homes.

The aim of the study is to better understand the demand for real estate after the changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The company surveyed almost 4,000 people and included questions on indicators such as happiness, digitalization and sustainable development to assess their impact on the decision to buy a house.

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