63,921 real estate units sold in Spain in April 2022

63,921 real estate units sold in Spain in April 2022

Statistics on real estate transactions in Spain for May 2022 have been published.

Top cities and outsiders

According to the latest data, there were 63,921 real estate sales transactions in May 2022, representing an increase of 7.33% yearly.

The total transaction number has grown in 13 autonomous communities. The largest increases were registered in the Canary Islands (34.8%), the Valencian Community (16.1%), Extremadura (13.1%), Aragon (12.5%), and Cantabria (11.8%). An average growth rate was recorded in Catalonia (8.5%), Andalusia (8.2%), La Rioja (6.9%), Galicia (5.8%), Castile-La Mancha (5.4%), the Basque Country (4.5%), Castile and Leon (3%), and the Balearic Islands (1.4%).

A decline in transaction numbers was recorded in Madrid (-3.7%), Murcia (-3.6%), Asturias (-3.2%), and Navarre (-3%).

63,921 real estate units sold in Spain in April 2022

Mortgage transactions: 32 423

The number of mortgage loans issued for the purchase of residential properties totaled 32,423. In May 2022, the number was up by 24.7% compared to May 2021.

An increase in the number of mortgages was registered in the Balearic Islands (19.3%), Aragon (11.0%), and Extremadura (10.5%). A decrease in the total transaction number was recorded in Murcia (-19.4%), Asturias (-13.3%), Navarre (-4.3%), Valencia (-2.9%), La Rioja (-1.7%), Madrid (-1.2%), and Andalusia (-0.4%).

Other transactions: 31 498

31,498 residential properties were purchased with no housing loans. During the 5th month of 2022, the total sales share of non-mortgage transactions totaled 49.2%.

Primary housing sales: 10 268

The number of transactions with newly developed housing units increased by 13.53% in May 2022 compared to May 2021 and totaled 10,268.

Existing properties sales: 53 653

The total transaction number for the purchase and sale of existing real estate units increased by 31.06% in annual terms, amounting to 53,653 transactions in May.

Sales to foreigners

The Spanish provinces with the largest increase in foreign transactions were the Canary Islands (24.1%), Valencia (21.5%), and Andalusia (15.1%).

63,921 real estate units sold in Spain in April 2022

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