Digital nomads from Northern Europe discover paradise in Cadiz and on the Costa del Sol

Digital nomads from Northern Europe discover paradise in Cadiz and on the Costa del Sol

Enjoying the surf on the beaches of Cadiz during a lunch break from working for an American multinational corporation or strolling around Puerto Banus, creating content for one of the leading communication companies in France - all this is quite a normal way of life not only for employees of large corporations, but also digital nomads who have chosen cities on the Spanish coast in recent years.

Digital nomads are an actively gaining popularity style of work and life. We are talking about professionals from different economic sectors and industries who can afford to work from anywhere in the world, the main thing is to have access to the Internet at hand. Spain, or rather its autonomous community of Andalusia, has gained particular popularity among this category of people. Cadiz and the Costa del Sol in the last few years have established themselves as an ideal place to live with this public.

In these regions of the south of the country, you can find a good climate, a developed technological sector, a rich mixture of cultures supported by the availability of active international movements. For example, the airport of the Mediterranean city of Malaga is the fourth busiest in all of Spain. Every year it passes through more than 12 million people.

All this and much more makes the south of Spain especially popular among residents of Northern and Central Europe. The lifestyle is pleasant to them, the standard and quality of life is high, and the climate is much milder than in their native latitudes. Maybe they will not become permanent residents of the southern regions of the country, but they will definitely return here as an excellent transit point.

Karin Grossman, the owner of the Paris communication agency, says in an interview with elEconomista Andalucía: "Cadiz is a paradise. Here I found a sweet life, emphasized by the kindness of people. I live in the old town, so I don't even need a car, everything is affordable and perfect. Nature in the province is also rich, here are the best beaches in Spain, and nearby is Seville with all its amenities".

Grossman has been living in Andalusia for 3 months. After visiting cities such as Tel Aviv and Marseille, she realized that it was Spain that met all her needs and had already applied for a visa extension. Grossman works every day at the Omni Work Center (OWC), a coworking space that opened in the center of Cadiz 4 years ago. There are many "nomads" like Karin herself among the OWC employees.

Esperanza Gutierrez, the owner of this center, points out: "Our first client was a Swede, then a Russian girl appeared, and then everything started spinning by itself. Most of our clients are foreigners. We opened this space in order to offer a place for local entrepreneurs to work, but suddenly a lot of people from different parts of Europe and the world began to come to us".

A lot of young professionals gathered here, mainly from Germany, France, the Netherlands and the USA, who work in the field of IT, application development, marketing and social network development. This is the most common profile among digital nomads coming to Andalusia.

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